Estimated annual sales: $540,0

Estimated annual sales: $540,000
Annual variable costs: $144,000
Estimated life: 3 years
Annual fixed costs: $60,000
Initial equipment cost (100% depreciated over 3-year life):$144,000
Initial investment in NWC (to be re-covered in year 3):$30,000
Tax rate: 25%
What is the firm’s annual Operating Cash Flow (OCF) for thisproject ($)?
What is the CFFA in year 3 ($)?Using the CFFA figures that youcalculated, what is the NPV for this project if the required returnis 11% ($)?


1. Intial cash flow
Equipment cost 144000
Investment in NWC 30000
2. In between flows
Sales Variable cost Fixed cost Net income Deprecition CABT Tax CAT Add: depreciation Balance Add: Working capitalrecapture NET cash flow
Year1 540000 144000 60000 336000 48000 288000 72000 216000 48000 264000 264000
Year2 540000 144000 60000 336000 48000 288000 72000 216000 48000 264000 264000
Year 3 540000 144000 60000 336000 48000 288000 72000 216000 48000 264000 30000 294000
**Depreciation = 144000/3
3. NPV
Year 0 -174000 1 -174000
Year1 264000 0.9009 237837.6
Year2 264000 0.8116 214262.4
Year 3 294000 0.7311 214943.4
NPV 493043.4

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