Explain in one or two paragrap
Explain in one or two paragraphs what identifies a specifichealth care organization for analysis. Note: ‘for profit’organizations will be easier to research based on data availabilitydue to Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) reportingrequirements.
The quality of health care organizations can be assessed byvarious methods.The overall aim is to evaluate the quality of carerendered by the organization.According to world heatlthorganization the quality of the health care institutions can beidentified through evaluating the outcome measures.It includesdifferent variables that assess quality of care as well as costeffectiveness.
The most important outcome measures Includes
- Mortality rate – inpatient mortality rate is an indicator ifquality health care.Usually health care organizations conductmonthly mortality meetings to evaluate the causes of therates.
- Safety of care- Patient safety is assessed here by checkingrate of hospital acquired infections like catheter associatedUTI,ventilator associated pneumonia,decubi dec ulcers etc
- Readmission- Readmission of a patient within a short durationafter discharge is a negative indicator of quality.It reflect somedefecit in treatment and expected recovery.It increases the cost ofcare as well as decrease patient satisfaction.
- Patient experience- It reviews the quality if care in terms ofpatient satisfaction.It reflects the opinion of the societytoo.
- Effectiveness of care- It can be assessed by the patientcondition after receiving treatment,the changes in his healthstatus that is recovery from illness is assessed here.
- Timelines of care- It indicated early initiation of treatment.It is more important in ER ,if there is more number of individualsprioritization is required at the same time everyone should getattention within short period of time.Early diagnosis can creategood patient outcome.
- Efficient use of medical imaging – Some times medical imagingis essential to identify the underlying causes of symptoms and tointervene it effectively within golden hours .For example in caseof suspected head injury CT or MRI of brain is essential to ruleout intra cranial bleed.Also judicial use of imaging as and whenrequired is essential.Un necessary use of imaging to increasehospital profit should be avoided.
The essentials for successful healthcare outcome measurementIncludes data transparency,integrated care with transition of careand data interoperability that is communication between the variousdepartments.
Analysis of quality of health care , that is rendering ofquality and efficient heatlth services to varied sections of thecommunity at a competitive cost is the tool to identify health careorganizations.