Explain the role of random gen

Explain the role of random genetic processes and selection inthe evolution of adaptations. Be sure to address how organisms canaccumulate new adaptations without losing previous adaptations andthe conditions required for adaptation to occur. (20 pts)


The changes in the inherited traits of a population fromgeneration to generation is known as evolution.Traits are the attributes of gene expression, which are passed onfrom one generation to the next generation by DNA copyingmechanism.As one of the genetic processes, mutations in these genes canproduce new or altered traits, resulting in heritable differences(genetic variation) between organisms.The new traits may also come from the horizontal gene transfermethods like transfer of genes between populations, as inmigration, or between species.The new traits can get formed in the organisms of different specieseither by altering the old traits of by without altering the oldtraits.During certain special instances, when these heritable differencesbecome more common or rare in a population, either non-randomlythrough natural selection or randomly through genetic drift, theevolution takes place. It happens, because organisms withadvantageous traits pass on more copies of these heritable traitsto the next generation.

Over many generations, adaptations occur through a combinationof successive, small, random changes in traits, and naturalselection of those variants best-suited for their environment.

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