Explain why long-term care ser

Explain why long-term care services emerged. Which socialenvironmental issue is the primary reason why the need forlong-term care services continues to increase? How does this impactthe critical issues in the U.S. healthcare system?


Long term services emerged from the last century when thecountry took responsibility in taking care of elderly and otherpatients. This was enabled when funds were provided in order totreat them or provide funds to enable them to lead a qualitylife.

In simple terms consumerism is the main reason for this boom inlong term services. People are more aware of their conditions anddemand more medical attention to improve the quality of their life, but on the the other hand medical care system is also providingseveral facilities in order to attract them by providingincentives, reimbursement facilities etc.

However not only this demand ,competition with other countrieswill also affect the health care system which will lead to revisionof their delivery system. At present they are already beingcompared with countries like UK which prioritize health in thedevelopment aspect. So ,in the long run US can be forced to makedecisions in providing such care to the population like elderly,disabled and ones with chronic conditions .

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