​(Financial statement​ analysi

​(Financial statement​ analysis)  The annual sales for​ Salco,Inc. were$4.64million last year. The​ firm’s end-of-year balancesheet was as​ follows Salco’s income statement for the year was as​follows:  

a. Calculate​ Salco’s total asset​ turnover, operating profit​margin, and operating return on assets.

b.  Salco plans to renovate one of its plants and the renovationwill require an added investment in plant and equipment of

$1.01 million. The firm will maintain its present debt ratio of50 percent when financing the new investment and expects sales toremain constant. The operating profit margin will rise to 13.5percent. What will be the new operating return on assets ratio​(i.e., net operating income÷total ​assets) for Salco after the​plant’s renovation?

c.  Given that the plant renovation in part​(b​)occurs and​Salco’s interest expense rises by$48,000 per​ year, what will bethe return earned on the common​ stockholders’ investment? Comparethis rate of return with that earned before the renovation. Basedon this​ comparison, did the renovation have a favorable effect onthe profitability of the​ firm?

Current assets   $500,000  Liabilities   $1,012,500Net fixed assets   1,525,000   Owners’equity   1,012,500Total Assets   $2,025,000   Total  $2,025,000

Sales    $4,640,000Less: Cost of goods sold    (3,501,000)Gross profit    $1,139,000Less: Operating expenses    (507,000)Net operating income    $632,000Less: Interest expense    (94,000)Earnings before taxes    $538,000Less: Taxes (35%)    (188,300)Net income    $349,700

a.  Calculate​ Salco’s total asset​ turnover, operating profit​margin, and operating return on assets.

The​ company’s total asset turnover is


times.  ​(Round to two decimal​ places.)

The​ company’s operating profit margin is


​(Round to one decimal​ place.)

The​ company’s operating return on assets is


​(Round to one decimal​ place.)

b.  Salco plans to renovate one of its plants and the renovationwill require an added investment in plant and equipment of


million. The firm will maintain its present debt ratio of


percent when financing the new investment and expects sales toremain constant. The operating profit margin will rise to


percent. What will be the new operating return on assets ratio​(i.e., net operating


​assets) for Salco after the​ plant’s renovation?

The​ company’s new operating return on assets is


​(Round to one decimal​ place.)

c . Given that the plant renovation in part


occurs and​ Salco’s interest expense rises by


per​ year, what will be the return earned on the common​stockholders’ investment?

The new return on​ owners’ equity is


​(Round to one decimal​ place.)

c.  Given that the plant renovation in part ​(b​)occursand​ Salco’s interest expense rises by $48,000 per​ year, what willbe the return earned on the common​ stockholders’ investment? Thenew return on​ owners’ equity is nothing​%.​(Round to one decimal​place.)



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