For this essay, you will condu

For this essay, youwill conduct research on one of the laws. You will use yourresearch to write a three- to five-page paper on the law you chosethat answers the following questions:

When was this lawpassed and what need or concern did it address?

What were the effectsof this law (intended and unintended)?

Who benefited fromthis law the most? Were any populations affected by itnegatively?

What was the public’sreaction to this law? Did it have any negative feedback?

What is the status ofthis law today? Has it been reformed or changed in any way?

You may research oneof the following laws:

The Affordable CareAct (ACA) of 2010

Health InsurancePortability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)

The Health InformationTechnology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act


Affordable Care Act (ACA) of2010 –

In the beginning of the year 2010,President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act, into law onMarch 23rd 2010 and it was passed and enacted legislatively byCongress in order to increase public access to health care at alesser cost.

Objective of Affordable CareAct (ACA)–

The ACA mainly aims to provide helpto improve the access of inexpensive health coverage for everyoneand to protect consumers from abusive insurance company services.One of the instance directives, implemented in September 2010 aimsto expand coverage on young adults of age between 19 – 26, who maylose insurance coverage due to the remove from their parents’medical plan after age 18 and lacking of productivity to bargainwith employers in the labor market.

Hence, the ultimate objective of theACA was to create a better overall atmosphere for workplace heathand safety by making healthcare more affordable. Though, thepassage of the ACA did have some unforeseen consequences in regardsto worker compensation. The ACA was passed to increase governmentfunding which in return reduces the medical costs of the averageAmerican worker and thus make more effective and affordablehealthcare practice. For most American workers there is often acoverage gap in their healthcare plan.

The law provides consumerswith subsidies that lower the costs for households with incomesbetween 100% and 400% of the federal poverty level. In thebeginning of the year 2010, President Barack Obama signed theAffordable Care Act, into law on March 23rd 2010 and it was passedand enacted legislatively by Congress in order to increase publicaccess to health care at a lesser cost.

People Opinion–

Prior to the law’s passage, pollingwas conducted and it indicated that the people were negative tospecific plans discussed during the legislative debate over 2009and 2010. Polling statistics showed a general negative opinion ofthe law; with those in favor at approximately 40% and those againstat 51%, as of October 2013. About 29% of white people approve ofthe law, compared with 61% of people of other population Opinionswere differed due to age of the person during the setting up ofthis law, actually a great majority of seniors members are opposingthe bill and younger generation are in favor.

Current status of AffordableCare Act –

When Democrats passed the AffordableCare Act in 2010 without a single Republican vote, they werecriticized for being too enthusiast. … Furthermore, theDemocrat-controlled House and Senate committees adopted nearly 190Republican amendments while writing the legislation, according todata compiled by The New York Times.

The ACA has major prerequisites cameinto force in the year 2014. By 2016, the uninsured offer of thepopulace had generally divided, with gauges extending from 20 to 24million extra individuals secured amid 2016. The increased coveragewas due, roughly equal to an expansion of Medicaid eligibility andto major changes to individual insurance markets. Both thesesmentioned points are hugely involved in new funds (most of themthrough a combination of new taxes and cuts to Medicare providerrates and Medicare Advantage). Some of the reports said thatoverall these provisions reduced the budget deficit, that repealingthe ACA would increase the deficit and that the law reduced incomeinequality by taxing primarily the top 1% to fund roughly $600 inbenefits on average to families in the bottom 40% of the incomedistribution. The law additionally instituted a large group ofconveyance framework changes expected to oblige social insurancecosts and enhance quality. The demonstration to a great extentholds the current structure of Medicare, Medicaid, and the businessshowcase, however singular markets were fundamentally updatedaround a three-legged plan.

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