Fraser Co. is considering a ch

Fraser Co. isconsidering a change to its cost structure. Below is the datarelating to the current structure as well as the proposedchange.
Current Structure Proposed Structure
Unit Sales 20,000 Unit Sales 20,000
Sales Price Per Unit $100 Sales Price Per Unit $100
Total Variable Costs (based on20,000 units) $400,000 Total Variable Costs (based on 20,000 units) $700,000
Total Fixed Costs $900,000 Total Fixed Costs $600,000
1.)Prepare a CVP Statement for each cost structure. Incorporate cellreferences and formulas where indicated. You can instantly createthe CVP Statement for the Proposed Structure, by copying andpasting your completed CVP Statement for the Current Structure.Make sure all highlighted areas are completed. Try to avoid theheadings when copying. You want to keep the Proposed Structureheading.
CVP Statement – CurrentStructure CVP Statement – Proposed Structure
% of Sales
Total Per Unit
Type a Label Here formula cell reference formula
Type a Label Here cell reference formula formula
Type a Label Here formula formula formula
Type a Label Here cell reference
Type a Label Here formula
2.)Use the Contribution Margin technique to calculate the Breakevenpoint in units and dollars for each scenario. You can save timeagain by copying from one section to the next. Be careful with theheadings.
Breakeven Units – CurrentStructure Breakeven Units – Proposed Structure
cell reference = formula cell reference = formula
cell reference cell reference
Breakeven Sales Dollars -Current Structure Breakeven Sales Dollars – Proposed Structure
cell reference = formula cell reference = formula
cell reference cell reference
3.) Compare the Net OperatingIncome and Breakeven calculations for both scenarios. What happenedto the breakeven point and why?
Typeresponse here
4.) Compute the Degree ofOperating Leverage for both scenarios. Save time again.
Degree of Operating Leverage -Current Structure Degree of Operating Leverage – ProposedStructure
cell reference = formula cell reference = formula
cell reference cell reference
5.)Use the Degree of Operating Leverage to determine how a 10%increase in sales will impact Net Income.
Current Proposal
Degree of OperatingLeverage cell reference cell reference
LABEL Number cell reference
Net Income Impact formula formula
Old Net Income cell reference cell reference
LABEL formula formula
New Net Income formula formula
6.) Save and print (face-to-face class )
7.) Copy ROWS1-17 of this spreadsheet tab (“ORIGINAL”) to the “Revisions” tab.
8.)Use the “Revision” spreadsheet to prove your calculation frominstruction #5 of the “Original” spreadsheet by increasing thesales volume in the data section (gray shaded area) by 10%.Remember to change anything else in the data section which would beaffected by a change in sales volume. You should not make anychanges below row 6.


Since, there are multiple parts to the question, I have answeredthe first four.


Part 1)

The CVP structure is given as below:

CVPStatement – Current Structure
Total Per Unit Percentage
Sales 2,000,000 100 100%
Variable Costs 400,000 20 20%
Contribution Margin 1,600,000 80 80%
Fixed Costs 900,000
Net Operating Income $700,000


CVPStatement – Proposed Structure
Total Per Unit Percentage
Sales 2,000,000 100 100%
Variable Costs 700,000 35 35%
Contribution Margin 1,300,000 65 65%
Fixed Costs 600,000
Net Operating Income $700,000


Part 2)

The breakeven point in units and dollars under each structurecan be calculated with the use of formulas given below:

Breakeven Point (in Units) = Fixed Cost/Contribution Margin PerUnit

Breakeven Point (in Dollars) = Fixed Cost/Contribution MarginPercentage


Substituting values in the above formula, we get,


Breakeven Point (in Units) = 900,000/80 =11,250 units

Breakeven Point (in Dollars) = 900,000/80% =$1,125,000



Breakeven Point (in Units) = 600,000/65 =9,230.77 units or 9,231 units

Breakeven Point (in Dollars) = 600,000/65% =$923,076.92 or $923,077


Part 3)

Based on the calculations made in Part 1) and Part 2), we canobserve that the net operating income has remained constant at$700,000 under both the current and proposed structure. However,the breakeven point in both units and dollars has declined underthe proposed structure. It is because of the reduction in the valueof fixed costs from $900,000 to $600,000 which is proportionatelymore than the increase in variable cost per unit.


Part 4)

The degree of operating leverage can be calculated with the useof following formula:

Degree of Operating Leverage = Contribution Margin/Net OperatingIncome

Using the values calculated in Part 1), we get,

Degree of Operating Leverage (CurrentStructure) = 1,600,000/700,000 = 2.29

Degree of Operating Leverage (ProposedStructure) = 1,300,000/700,000 = 1.86

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