Give an original example of a
Give an original example of a construct or concept that can beoperationalized in three different ways, in other words that can bemeasured by three different indicator variables corresponding tothree levels of measurement of the data – nominal, ordinal orinterval.
Example: the construct education
Variable that measures number of school years completed –interval
Variable that measures education as (i) less than high schooldiploma (ii) high school diploma (iii) some college (iv) bachelorsdegree (v) post-graduate – ordinal
Variable that measures whether the respondent has a collegedegree (yes/no question) – nominal
original example of measured three different measurement of thedata :
ordinal : means in order includes ” First “, “second” , and”ninety ninth”
nominal : it is another name for a category.
Interval : has values of equal intervals that mean something .for example a thermometer might have intervals of ten degrees
## Example of ordinal :
1) High school class ranking : 1st 9th 87th …
2) Socioeconomic status : poor , middle class , rich
3) The Likert Scale : strongly disagree , disagree , neutral,agree , strongly agree
4) level of Agreement : yes , maybe , no .
5) Time of day : dawn , morning , noon , afternoon , evening ,night.
## Example of nominal :
1) Gender : Male , Female , other
2) Hair color : Brown , Black , Blonde , Red , Other
3) Type of living accommodation : House , Apartment , Trailer ,other
4) Genotype : Bb , bb, BB, bB
5) Religious preference : Buddhist , Mormon , Muslim, Jewish ,Christian , other
## Example of interval :
1) Celsius Temperature
2) Fahrenheit Temperature
3) IQ ( intelligence scale)
4) SAT scores
5) Time on a clock with hands