gunderson dettmer stough villeneuve franklin & hachigian llp

Who is Gunderson Dettmer? – Gunderson Dettmer Stough Villeneuve Franklin & Hachigian LLP (Gunderson Dettmer) is an international law firm headquartered in Silicon Valley in California.

Is Gunderson a good firm? – Gunderson Dettmer is ranked #57 on the Best Professional Companies to Work For in California list. Zippia’s Best Places to Work lists provide unbiased, data-based evaluations of companies.

How many lawyers does Gunderson Dettmer have? – Description. According to the National Law Journal’s 2022 NLJ 500 ranking of firms based on size, Gunderson Dettmer has 393 attorneys and is ranked 113th in the United States.

What is Gunderson Dettmer known for? – Gunderson Dettmer is the preeminent international law firm with an exclusive focus on the innovation economy to include the most sophisticated venture capital investors, entrepreneurs and startups from formation to maturity, through M&A or IPO.

What is Goodwin Procter known for? – Goodwin is one of the fastest growing firms in BigLaw, having more than doubled its revenue between 2010 and 2020. It is particularly known for advising high-growth businesses in the technology, life sciences and real estate sectors, as well as the private equity and venture capital investors that finance them.

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