Hampton Developments Ltd. (Ham

Hampton Developments Ltd. (Hampton) had the followingtransactions pertaining to its investments which are accounted forunder fair value through profit & loss. This is the first yearHampton has ever purchased investments.


Transaction Details

Jan. 1

Purchased 1,000 shares of Chapman Foods Ltd. (Chapman)for$50,000 cash, plus brokerage fees of $550.

Purchased 5,000 shares of Sinclair Manufacturing Ltd (Sinclair)for $75,000.

June 1

Received cash dividends of $3 per share on the Chapmanshares.

Sept. 15

Sold 500 Chapman shares for $25,900 less brokerage fees of$100.

Dec. 31

The fair value of the shares of Chapman was $35 per share.

The fair value of the shares of Sinclair was $12 per share.


Feb 14

Sold 1,250 shares of Sinclair for net proceeds of $35,000. Theselling commission rate on the shares was 1.75%.

Dec. 31

The fair value of the shares of Chapman was $27 per share.

The fair value of the shares of Sinclair was $23 per share.

Required:Prepare all the journal entries required for the above notedtransactions for 2019 & 2020

Type or paste question here


Answer to Question :

Year 2019:

Date Account Title Debit($) Credit($)
Jan 1 Investment A/c- Chapman 50,000
To, Cash 50,000
(Being 1000 shares of Chapman Foods Ltdpurcahsed).
Jan 1 Brokerage A/c 500
To, Cash 500
(Being Brokerage paid for sharespurchased)
Jan 1 Investment A/c- Sinclair 75,000
To, Bank 75,000
(Being 5,000 shares of SinclairManufacturing Ltd. purcahsed)
Jun1 Cash A/c 3,000
To, Dividend 3,000
(Received cash dividends of $3 per shareon the Chapmans 1000 shares.
Sept 15 Bank 25,900
To, Investment A/c- Chapman 25,900
(Sold 500 shares of Chapman )
Sept 15 Brokerage A/c 100
To, Cash 100
(Being Brokerage paid for sharessold)
Dec 31 SPL A/c 600
To, Brokerage 600
(Being brokerage paid transferred toStatemment of Profit & Loss)
Dec 31 Dividend A/c 3,000
To,SPL 3,000
(Being dividend received credited toStatemment of Profit & Loss)
Dec 31 SPL A/c 22,500
To,Investment A/c- Chapman 7500
To,Investment A/c- Sinclair 15,000
(Being Fair Value adjustment made atClosing date)

Working Note:

Chapman Ltd:

No. of shares available = 1000 shares – 500 shares = 500shares

Purchase Price per share = $50000/1000 = $50 per share

Fair Value as on 31.12.2019 = $35 per share

Loss of ($50-$35) per share transferred to SPL.

Total Loss on Fair Value Adjustment of Chapman’s Shares = 500shares*$15 = $7,500


No. of shares available = 5000 shares

Purchase Price per share = $75000/5000 = $15 per share

Fair Value as on 31.12.2019 = $12 per share

Loss of ($15-$12) per share transferred to SPL.

Total Loss on Fair Value Adjustment of Sinclair’s Shares = 5000shares*$3 = $15,000


Year 2020:

Date Account Title Debit($) Credit($)
Feb 14 Brokerage A/c 623.41
To, Cash 623.41
(Being Brokerage paid for sharespurchased)
Feb 14 Bank 35,000
To, Investment – Sinclair 35,000
(Being 1250 shares sold of Sinclair)
Dec 31 SPL A/c 4000
To,Investment A/c- Chapman 4000
(Being Fair Value adjustment made atClosing date)
Dec 31 Investment A/c- Sinclair 41250
To, Spl 41250

Working Note:

No of shares sold of Sinclair = 1250 shares

Net Proceeds = $35,000

Rate of Selling Commission = 1.75%

Gross Proceeds from Sale = $35,000/98.25% = $35623.41

Amount of Commission = $35623.41 – $35,000 = $623.41


No. of shares of Chapman available = 500 shares

Change In Fair Value = $27 -$35 = $8

Loss of $8 per share transferred to SPL.

Total Loss on Fair Value Adjustment of Chapman’s Shares = 500shares*$8 = $4000


No. of shares available = 5000 shares- 1250 shares = 3750shares

Change In Fair Value = $23-$12= $11

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