Happy Harry Pets was incorpora

Happy Harry Petswas incorporated on January 1st. The business maintains a retailpet store, providing gourmet dog food and
treats, and also provides a full range of pet care services,including grooming, dog-walking, and boarding.
Thefollowing transactions occurred during the first twelve months ofoperations:
January 1st Common stock isissued in exchange for cash in the amount of………….………….……………………… 295,000
February 8th The companypurchases and pays for 160 units of gourmet dog food at a price of$25 per unit ………….. 4,000
March 1st The company payscash for a one-year insurance policy in the amount of……………….………………………..….. 9,300
March 31st Rent on a retailspace for 12 months is paid in the amount of…..……….……………………………………… 12,480
April 1st Grooming andboarding equipment with a useful life of 2 years is purchased forcash in the amount of …… 18,000
April 10th Grooming suppliespurchased on account in the amount of …………..…………………………………………… 1,450
May 15th The companypurchases and pays for another 370 units of gourmet dog food at aprice of $29 per unit ….. 10,730
May 30th Grooming servicesare performed on account in the amount of…………………………………………………………..………… 13,625
June 1st The company paysfor advertisements to be run for the next 12 months in the amountof ………………………. 864
June 30th The company issuesa 5-year bond with a face value of $100,000 and a stated annualrate of 6%.
Interest is due onJune 30th each year. The market rate is 8% on the date of issuance……………………………. 100,000
July 25th Dog-walkingservices are performed on account in the amount of…………………………………..………… 14,225
July 31st 95 units ofgourmet dog food are sold for $70 per unit with terms 2/10, n/30.The sale is recorded using
the gross methodin the amount of (see note c for cost flow assumptions)……………………………………………………………………………………. 6,650
August 2nd Boarding servicesare provided on account in the amount of………………………………………………………………. 6,280
August 6th The companyreceives full payment from the customer for the July 31st sale……………………………………… 6,517
September15th Pet sittingservices are performed on account in the amount of……………………..…………………………….………….. 6,245
September29th Customer paymentsare received for services previously provided in the amount of……………………………….. 1,250
October 13th 100 units ofgourmet dog food are sold for $73 per unit with terms 2/10, n/30.The sale is recorded using
the gross methodin the amount of ………………………………………………………………………………………. 7,300
October 29th The companyreceives payment for half of the October 13th sale……………………………………………………… 3,650
November 1st Equipmentoriginally purchased on April 1st for $2400 is sold for $2000cash
November 15th A bookkeeper ishired to help the company with daily accounting taxes and annualtax preparation
December 15th The bookkeeper ispaid $3,500 for the previous month’s services 3,500
a. Grooming supplieson hand at the end of the month are as follows:……………………………………. 870
b. The year-endbalance reported at the end of the year for the Allowance forDoubtful Accounts
is estimated as 4%of outstanding receivables at the end of the year
c. The Company uses aperpetual inventory system and accounts for costs using theFirst-In-First-Out cost
flow assumption.On December 31st, a count of ending inventory reveals that thereare 335 bags of dog
food on hand.
d. All revenue isrecorded in the “Sales Revenue” account and reported net of cashdiscounts on the income statement.
e. The effectiveinterest method is used to amortize bond premiums anddiscounts
f. Adjustments aremade at the end of the year for prepaid insurance, rent,advertising, depreciation, and interest expense.
g. The bookkeeper ispaid a salary of $3,500 on the 15th of every month.
h. The companydeclared dividends of $650 for the year
i. Assume sellingexpenses include advertising and supplies expense. All otherexpenses, other than depreciation
and interestexpense, are considered general & administrative.
1. Prepare journalentries for each transaction listed above (with descriptions).
2. Post journalentries to the general ledger accounts.






Prepare an unadjusted trial balance.

Prepare all necessary adjusting journal entries (withdescriptions)

Prepare an adjusted trial balance on December 31st

Prepare closing entries, post to the general ledger, and carryforward balances to January 1st of the next year.

Prepare the following financial statements on December 31st(ignore income taxes):

a. Income Statement (multi-step)

b. Statement of Stockholders Equity

c. Balance Sheet (classified)

d. Statement of Cash Flows (indirect method)


In the books of Happy Harry Pets:

Date Account Titles Debit Credit
$ $
Jan 1 Cash 295,000
Common Stock 295,000
Feb 8 Inventory 4,000
Cash 4,000
Mar 1 Prepaid Insurance 9,300
Cash 9,300
Mar 31 Prepaid Rent 12,480
Cash 12,480
Apr 1 Equipment 18,000
Cash 18,000
Apr 10 Grooming Supplies 1,450
Accounts Payable 1,450
May 15 Inventory 10,730
Cash 10,730
May 30 Accounts Receivable 13,625
Service Revenue 13,625
June 1 Prepaid Advertising 864
Cash 864
June 30 Cash * 92,016
Discount on Bonds Payable 7,984
Bonds Payable 100,000
July 25 Accounts Receivable 14,225
Service Revenue 14,225
July 31 Accounts Receivable 6,650
Sales Revenue 6,650
July 31 Cost of Goods Sold ( 95 units x $ 25 per unit) 2,375
Inventory 2,375
Aug 2 Accounts Receivable 6,280
Service Revenue 6,280


Date Account Titles Debit Credit
$ $
Aug 6 Cash 6,517
Sales Discount 133
Accounts Receivable 6,650
Sep 15 Accounts Receivable 6,245
Service Revenue 6,245
Sep 29 Cash 1,250
Accounts Receivable 1,250
Oct 13 Accounts Receivable 7,300
Sales Revenue 7,300
Oct 13 Cost of Goods Sold 2,640
Inventory 2,640
Oct 29 Cash 3,650
Accounts Receivable 3,650
Nov 1 Depreciation Expense ( $ 2,400 / 24 months ) x 7 months 700
Accumulated Depreciation : Equipment 700
Nov 1 Cash 2,000
Accumulated Depreciation : Equipment 700
Equipment 2,400
Gain on sale of equipment 300
Nov 15 No entry needed 0 0
Dec 15 Salaries and Wages Expense 3,500
Cash 3,500

* PVIFA 8%, n=5 = [ { 1 – ( 1 / 1.08) 5 }/ 5 ] = 3.9927

PVIF8%, 5th year = ( 1 / 1.08 ) 5 =0.6806

Present value of the bonds = 100,000 x 6 % x 3.9927 + 100,000 x0.6806 = 23,956.20 + 68,060 = $ 92,016.20 :

3. Happy Harry Pets

Unadjusted Trial Balance

December 31

Account Titles Debit Credit
$ $
Cash 341,559
Accounts Receivable 42,775
Inventory 9,715
Grooming Supplies 1,450
Prepaid Insurance 9,300
Prepaid Rent 12,480
Prepaid Advertising 864
Equipment 15,600
Accounts Payable 1,450
Bonds Payable 100,000
Discount on Bonds Payable 7,984
Common Stock 295,000
Sales Revenue 13,950
Service Revenue 40,375
Gain on sale of Equipment 300
Sales Discounts 133
Cost of Goods Sold 5,015
Salaries and WAges Expense 3,500
Depreciation Expense 700
Totals 451,075 451,075

4. In the books of Harry Happy Pets:

Adjusting entries:

Account Titles Debit Credit
December 31 $ $
a. Grooming Supplies Expense 580
Grooming Supplies 580
b. Bad Debt Expense ( $ 42,775 x 4%) 1,711
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 1,711
c. No entry required
e. Interest Expense ( $ 92,016 x 8% x 6 months / 12 months) 3,681
Interest Payable ( $ 100,000 x 6% x 1/2) 3,000
Discount on Bonds Payable 681
f. Insurance Expense ( $ 9,300 / 12 x 10) 7,750
Prepaid Insurance 7,750
Rent Expense ( $ 12,480 / 12 x 9) 9,360
Prepaid Rent 9,360
Advertising Expense ( $ 864 / 12 x 7) 504
Prepaid Advertising 504
Depreciation Expense ( $ 15,600 / 24 months x 9 months) 5,850
Accumulated Depreciation : Equipment 5,850
g. Salaries and Wages Expense ( $ 3,500 x 1 / 2 ) 1,750
Salaries and Wages Payable 1,750
h. Retained Earnings 650
Dividends Payable 650

5. Happy Harry Pets

Adjusted Trial Balance

December 31

Account Titles Debit Credit
$ $
Cash 341,559
Accounts Receivable 42,775
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 1,711
Inventory 9,715
Grooming Supplies 870
Prepaid Insurance 1,550
Prepaid Rent 3,120
Prepaid Advertising 360
Equipment 15,600
Accumulated Depreciation : Equipment 5,850
Accounts Payable 1,450
Salaries and Wages Payable 1,750
Interest Payable 3,000
Bonds Payable 100,000
Discount on Bonds Payable 7,303
Common Stock 295,000
Sales Revenue 54,192
Gain on sale of Equipment 300
Cost of Goods Sold 5,015
Salaries and Wages Expense 5,250
Insurance Expense 7,750
Grooming Supplies Expense 580
Rent Expense 9,360
Advertising Expense 504
Depreciation Expense 6,550
Bad Debt Expense 1,711
Interest Expense 3,681
Totals $ 463,253 $ 463,253

7. a. Happy Harry Pets

Income Statement

For the year ended December 31

$ $
Income from Operations
Net Sales Revenue 54,192
Cost of Goods Sold 5,015
Gross Profit 49,177
Selling, General and Administrative Expenses
Selling Expenses
Supplies Expense 580
Advertising Expense 504
Total Selling Expenses 1,084
General and Administrative Expenses
Salaries and Wages Expense 5,250
Insurance Expense 7,750
Rent Expense 9,360
Bad Debt Expense 1,711
Total General and Administrative Expense 24,071
Total Selling, General and Administrative Expenses 25,155
EBITDA 24,022
Depreciation Expense (6,550)
Operating Income 17,472
Other Income / (Expense)
Gain on sale of Equipment 300
Interest Expense (3,681) ( 3,381)
Net Income $ 14,091

b. Happy Harry Pets

Statement of Stockholders’ Equity

For the year ended December 31

Balance, January 1 $ 0
Capital contributed 295,000
Net income for the period 14,091
Total Stockholders’ Equity before distributions 309,091
Less: Dividends declared ( 650)
Balance, December 31 $ 308,441

c. Happy Harry Pets

Balance Sheet

December 31

Assets $ $ Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity $ $
Current Assets Current Liabilities
Cash 341,559 Accounts Payable 1,450
Accounts Receivable, net 41,064 Salaries and Wages Payable 1,750
Inventory 9,715 Interest Payable 3,000
Supplies 870 Dividend Payable 650
Prepaid Insurance 1,550 Total Current Liabilities 6,850
Prepaid Rent 3,120 Long-Term Liabilities
Prepaid Advertising 360 Bonds Payable 100,000
Total Current Assets 398,238 Discount on Bonds Payable (7,303) 92,697
Property, Plant and Equipment Total Liabilities 99,547
Equipment 15,600
Accumulated Depreciation (5,850) 9,750 Stockholders’ Equity 308,441
Total Assets $ 407,988 Total Liabilities and Stockholder’s Equity $ 407,988

Happy Harry Pets

Statement of Cash Flows

For the year ended December 31

$ $
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Net Income 14,091
Adjustments to reconcile the net income to net income fromoperations
Depreciation Expense 6,550
Interest Expense 3,681
Gain on Sale of Equipment (300)
Increase in Accounts Receivable (41,064)
Increase in Inventory (9,715)
Increase in Supplies (870)
Increase in Prepaid Insurance (1,550)
Increase in Prepaid Rent (3,120)
Increase in Prepaid Advertising (360)
Increase in Accounts Payable 1,450
Increase in Salaries and Wages Payable 1,750 (43,548)
Net cash used in operating activities (29,457)
Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Cash paid for acquiring equipment (18,000)
Cash received on sale of equipment 2,000
Net cash used in Investing Activities (16,000)
Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Cash received from issuance of common stock 295,000
Cash received from issuance of bonds payable 92,016
Net cash flows from Financing Activities 387,016
Net increase in cash 341,559
Cash, January 1 0
Cash, December 31 341,559

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