Henry’s adjusted gross income

Henry’s adjusted gross income is $50,000 in 2018. He donated apiece of artwork with a basis of $10,000 and a fair market value(FMV) of $25,000. He has owned the artwork for 10 years. Thecharity that Henry donated the artwork to is a public charity andwill display the art work in its art center. What is the maximumcharitable deduction in 2018 that Henry can take?






As per the ruleslaid in Publication 526, Charitable Contribution and Publication561
with regard to thedetermination of of Value of donated property with considering therules
and disclosure requirment ofpublication 1771
Deduction is allowed for acharitable contribution made to , or for the use of by way of cashor
any another form, to thepublic organisations and as laid under Section 170 (C ) of
Internal Revenue Code -deductions upto 50% of adjusted gross total income is allowed.
With regard to otherorganisation the deductions upto 20 % or 30 %
with limitations mayapply.
In the present case, the artwork is donated to a public charity and hence 50% of adjusted grosstotal
income is allowed asdeduction
Therefore , maximumchartiable deduction in 2018 that
Henry can take =Adjusted gross income x 50 % = $50000 x 50%=$25000

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