Horse Heaven Farm began 20X6 w

Horse Heaven Farm began 20X6 with cash of 180,000. During theyear, Horse Heaven earned service revenue of 600,000 and collected480,000 from customers. Expenses for the year totaled 330,000, with300,000 paid in cash to suppliers and employees. Horse heaven alsopaid 138,000 to purchase equipment and a cash dividend of 47,000 toshareholders. During 20X6, Horse Heaven borrowed 25,000 by issuinga note payable. Prepare the company’s statement of cash flows forthe year. Format operating activities by the direct method.Calculate Horse’s free cash flow and cash realization ratio.


Horse Heaven Farm
Statement ofCash Flows
For the YearEnded December 31, 2017
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Cash receipts from customers 480000
Cash paid to suppliers and employees -300000
Net cash provided by operatingactivities 180000
Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Purchase of equipment -138000
Net cash used by investing activities -138000
Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Borrowing against note payable 25000
Payment of cash dividends -47000
Net cash used by financing activities -22000
Net increase in cash 20000
Cash balance at the beginning of 20X6 180000
Cash balance at the end of 20X6 200000

Free cash flow = Cash flow from operations – Capitalexpenditures – Dividends = $180000 – $138000 = $42000

Cash realization ratio = Cash flow from operations/Net income =$180000/$270000 = 0.67

Net income = $600000 – $330000 = $270000

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