How do chemical reactions play
How do chemical reactions play a role in energy transfer?
a) Energy from the breakdown of glucose and other molecules inanimals is released as ATP, which transfer energy to otherreactions.b) Energy from the breakdown of glucose and other molecules inanimals is released in the form of NADP, which transfers energy toother reactions.c) Energy is released in the form of glucose from the breakdown ofATP molecules. These ATP molecules transfer energy from onereaction to other.d) Energy is released in the form of water from the breakdown ofglucose. These molecules transfer energy from one reaction toother.
Glucose and water are not the energy soures in animals. SOoption (c) and (d) can be eliminated. NADP has to be present in thereduced form NADPH+ to be harvested by the mitochondria, which isused in the electron transport chain to produce ATP. Thereforeoption (b) can be opted out.
Breakdown of glucose (6-carbon) by the glycolytic cycle yields 2molecules of pyruvate (3-carbon), 2 moleucles of NADH+ and 2molecules of ATP. The pyruvate is oxidised to 2 molecules ofacetyl-CoA which is used up in the TCA cycle to produce 8 moleculesof NADH+, 2 molecules of FADH2, and 2 molecules of GTP. Othermolecules are broken down to acetyl-coA, which is channelised tothe TCA cycle again. All the reduced electron carriers like NADH+,FADH2, etc are oxidised in the inner mitochondrial membrane and theprotons released to the intermembrane space to create anelectrochemical gradient. This gradient is utilised by the ATPsynthase to generate ATP molecules, which is transferred to otherreactions as an energy source. Therefore option (a) is right.
Answer(a) Energy from the breakdown of glucose and othermolecules in animals is released as ATP, which transfer energy toother reactions.