How do you calculate the Theor

Howdo you calculate the Theoretical standards of the cell potentialsfor all 6 (1.0 M) cells listed below?

Cu+2 and Zn
Cu+2 and Pb
Cu+2 and Ni
Zn and Pb
Zn and Ni
Pb and Ni


Remember that each species will have a specific reductionpotential. Remember that this is, as the name implies, a potentialto reduce. We use it to compare it (numerical) with otherspecies.

Note that the basis if 2H+ + 2e- -> H2(g) reduction.Therefore E° = 0 V

All other samples are based on this reference.

Find the Reduction Potential of each reaction (Tables)

X+2 + 2e- = X(s) Ered

Y+ + e- = Y(S) E red

The most positive has more potential to reduce, it will bereduced

The most negative will be oxidized, since it will donate itselectrons


Cu2+ + 2 e− ⇌ Cu(s) +0.337;

Zn2+ + 2 e− ⇌ Zn(s) −0.7618;

Pb2+ + 2 e− ⇌ Pb(s) −0.126;

Ni2+ + 2 e− ⇌ Ni(s) −0.25

Cu+2 and Zn

a) E°red = 0.337 – -0.7618 = 1.099 v

Cu+2 and Pb

b) E°red = 0.337 – -0.126 = 0.463 V

Cu+2 and Ni

c) E°red = 0.337 – -0.25 = 0.587 V


Zn and Pb

d) E°red = -0.126- -0.7618 = 0.6358 V

Zn and Ni

e) E°cell = -0.25 – -0.7618 = 0.5118 V

Pb and Ni

f) E°cell = -0.126 – – 0.25 = 0.124 V

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