How high would the board need

How high would the board need to be for a 175 pound man to reachterminal velocity by the time he hit the water?

We were not giving the terminal velocity. That was the onlyinformation we recieve along with a link



Let us go to the basics first.

We shall take some rough values of the variables required tomake our calculation simpler and easier so that we enable ourselvesto calculate the terminal velocity. Our answer may vary dependingupon this.

We know that, the terminal velocity, v is given by followingrelation:

v = √[(2mg) / (ρAC)]

[where, m = 175 pound = 79.38 kg; g = acceleration due togravity = 9.8 m/s2; ρ = the density of air at sea levelwhen the temperature is 15 °C is 1.225 kg/m3; A =projected area of the object or man = Area projected by the foot ofman = 1 ft2 (assumed) = 0.093 m2; C =coefficient of drag for a person falling upright = 1]

Thus, v = √[(2*79.38*9.8) / (1.225*0.093*1)] = 116.86m/s (Approximated Terminal velocity)

Now, we also know that for a person falling under gravity,

v = √[2gh]

=> v2 = 2gh

=> h = v2/2g

=> h = (116.86)2 / (2*9.8) = 696.74 m or 2285.9 ft(Approximated height of board) (Answer)

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