How long does it take to finis
How long does it take to finish the 1161-mile Iditarod Dog SledRace from Anchorage to Nome, Alaska? Finish times (to the nearesthour) for 57 dogsled teams are shown below.
261 | 271 | 236 | 244 | 279 | 296 | 284 | 299 | 288 |
288 | 247 | 256 | 338 | 360 | 341 | 333 | 261 | 266 |
287 | 296 | 313 | 311 | 307 | 307 | 299 | 303 | 277 |
283 | 304 | 305 | 288 | 290 | 288 | 289 | 297 | 299 |
332 | 330 | 309 | 328 | 307 | 328 | 285 | 291 | 295 |
298 | 306 | 315 | 310 | 318 | 318 | 320 | 333 | 321 |
323 | 324 | 327 |
(a) Find the class width.
(b) Make a frequency table showing class limits, classboundaries, midpoints, frequencies, relative frequencies, andcumulative frequencies. (Give relative frequencies to 2 decimalplaces.)
(c) Draw a histogram.
(d) Draw a relative-frequency histogram.
(e) Categorize the basic distribution shape.
(f) Draw an ogive. (Graph each point and the closed linesegments connecting the points to create your graph.)
E) Basic shape of the distribution is approximately normal.
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