How long does it take to finis

How long does it take to finish the 1161-mile Iditarod Dog SledRace from Anchorage to Nome, Alaska? Finish times (to the nearesthour) for 57 dogsled teams are shown below.

261 271 236 244 279 296 284 299 288
288 247 256 338 360 341 333 261 266
287 296 313 311 307 307 299 303 277
283 304 305 288 290 288 289 297 299
332 330 309 328 307 328 285 291 295
298 306 315 310 318 318 320 333 321
323 324 327

(a) Find the class width.

(b) Make a frequency table showing class limits, classboundaries, midpoints, frequencies, relative frequencies, andcumulative frequencies. (Give relative frequencies to 2 decimalplaces.)

(c) Draw a histogram.

(d) Draw a relative-frequency histogram.

(e) Categorize the basic distribution shape.

(f) Draw an ogive. (Graph each point and the closed linesegments connecting the points to create your graph.)






E) Basic shape of the distribution is approximately normal.


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