How many customers purchased m

How many customers purchased more than 1 product? (Hint:Customer ID stays the same per customer when he/she buys severalfood boxes)

Please Tell me the steps on how this would be solved usingExcel. Note that this is not the full excel data but just a smallsample.

date_sign_up customer_id product_name marketing_channel City
4/17/2015 13:11 71041 Classic – 3 meals per week for 2 people Search Engine Marketing San Diego
4/14/2015 11:32 103289 Classic – 3 meals per week for 2 people Newsletters (internal) Los Angeles
4/14/2015 9:53 107746 Classic – 3 meals per week for 2 people Newsletters (internal) Los Angeles
4/14/2015 16:08 157441 Classic – 3 meals per week for 4 people Newsletters (internal) San Francisco
4/18/2015 8:04 158646 Classic – 3 meals per week for 2 people Newsletters (internal) San Diego
4/18/2015 15:41 178843 3 Meals (vegetarian) for 2 people TV / Radio Advertising Miami
4/15/2015 9:45 179297 Classic – 3 meals per week for 2 people Newsletters (internal) Philadelphia
4/15/2015 8:21 182439 3 Meals (vegetarian) for 2 people Newsletters (internal) San Francisco
4/17/2015 6:57 186180 Classic – 3 meals per week for 2 people Partnership Marketing San Diego
4/19/2015 20:39 190396 Classic – 3 meals per week for 2 people TV / Radio Advertising Miami
4/14/2015 10:26 194229 Classic – 3 meals per week for 2 people Search Engine Marketing Los Angeles
4/13/2015 20:17 194353 Classic – 3 meals per week for 2 people Search Engine Marketing Washington
4/15/2015 14:43 200286 Classic – 3 meals per week for 2 people Search Engine Marketing Philadelphia
4/16/2015 7:35 201307 Classic – 3 meals per week for 2 people TV / Radio Advertising 1San Diego
4/15/2015 6:54 203319 Classic – 3 meals per week for 2 people Newsletters (internal) San Francisco
4/14/2015 8:35 205233 Classic – 3 meals per week for 2 people TV / Radio Advertising Los Angeles
4/13/2015 12:08 205322 Classic – 3 meals per week for 2 people Newsletters (internal) Chicago
4/16/2015 5:04 205611 Classic – 3 meals per week for 2 people TV / Radio Advertising San Diego
4/15/2015 12:17 208066 3 Meals (vegetarian) for 4 people Newsletters (internal) Philadelphia


Answer: Hi following is the step to know that

select the table and insert a pivot table:

Place Customer ID in row and product name in column, then placethe product name in value field and set it to the count

Now select the table and paste it in another sheet as a tableonly (not the pivot table)

Then remove the Grand total column and create a count of productcolumn which will have the count function to count the number ofentries under various product column against each of the customerId.

This will tell us how many differnet type of product eachcustomer has ordered in the data set.

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