Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN), an imp

Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN), an important reactant for the synthesisof numerous products, is produced catalytically from methane,ammonia, and oxygen in the following reversible reaction: CH4 + NH3+ 3/2O2 ——> HCN + 3H2O

A continuous reactor is designed to produce HCN at 2 kmol/min.Air is fed continuously to supply the oxygen (O2), so nitrogen ispresent as an inert. The oxygen is the limiting reactant and theammonia (NH3) and methane (CH4) are fed at a 20% and 35% excess,respectively. No HCN is fed and oxygen conversion has been measuredat 80%. Determine the feed and product compositions (mole%), thetotal feed and product flowrates (kmol/min) and the extent ofreaction (kmol/min).


CH4 + NH3 + 3/2 O2 ——> HCN + 3H2O

O​​​​​​2 is the limiting reactant

2 moles of HCN formed at 80% conversion

Stoichiometrically moles of O​​​​​​2 = 2/0.8 × 1.5 =3.75 moles

Nitrogen fed = 300× 79 ÷ 21 = 14.107 moles

Stoichiometrically CH​​​​​4 required = 2.5 moles

CH​​​​​4 fed = 35% excess = 1.35 × 2.5 = 3.375moles

Stoichiometrically NH​​​​​3 required = 2.5 moles

NH​​​​​3 = 20% excess = 1.2 × 2.5 = 3 moles

Oxygen converted = 80%

Oxygen remaining = 3.75 × 0.2 = 0.75 moles

CH​​​​​4 ​​​reacted = 2.5 × .8 = 2 moles

CH​​​​​4 remaining = 3.375 – 2 = 1.375 moles

NH​​​​​3 reacted = 2 moles

NH​​​​​3 remaining = 3 – 2 = 1 mole

HCN formed = 2 moles

H​​​​​​2​​​​​O formed = 3×2 = 6 moles

Feed composition


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