Hypothesis test for correlatio


Hypothesis test for correlation. Use the given data to do the following tasks.

x y
5 20
6 20
7 15
8 16
9 11
10 11

(a) Calculate the correlation coefficient r.  (use three sig figs)(b) Find the regression line: y=y=  +  xx. (round values to two decimal places)(d) Test the claim that there is correlation and find the p-value:  (State answer to three significant figures, which is different than stating values to three decimal places. For our purposes, stating a value to three significant figures is stating the value until there are three non-zero digits after the decimal place.)(e) Determine whether there is significant correlation. (Use alpha = .05.)

  • There is not sufficient evidence to support correlation.
  • There is not sufficient evidence to reject correlation.
  • There is sufficient evidence to reject correlation.
  • There is sufficient evidence to support correlation


Solution: ( a )

X Y X * Y X * X Y *Y  
5 20 100 25 400
6 20 120 36 400
7 15 105 49 225
8 16 128 64 256
9 11 99 81 121
10 11 110 100 121


Solution: ( b )

X Y X * Y X * X
5 20 100 25
6 20 120 36
7 15 105 49
8 16 128 64
9 11 99 81
10 11 110 100

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