I have an upcoming exam, and b

I have an upcoming exam, and based on the wording of thequestions we are to us a certain Excel Function . Can you provide alist of assistance what to keywords or problems and what theirExcel Function would be. For instance, i what functions would befor probability, what functions would be for sample sizes,Binomial, etc



To calculate the average of a group of numbers, use the AVERAGEfunction.


To average cells based on one criteria, use the AVERAGEIFfunction. For example, to calculate the average excludingzeros.


To find the median (or middle number), use the MEDIANfunction.


To find the most frequently occurring number, use the MODEfunction.

Standard Deviation

To calculate the standard deviation, use the STEDV function.



The NORMDIST function uses the following arguments:

X (required argument) – It the value for whichwe wish to calculate the distribution.Mean(required argument) – It is the arithmetic mean of thedistribution.Standard_dev (required argument) – Itis the standard deviation of thedistribution.Cumulative (required argument) – Itis a logical value. It specifies the type of distribution to beused: TRUE (Cumulative Normal Distribution Function) and FALSE(Normal Probability Density Function).

What is frequency and its formula?

please be prepare

All the best for u r exam thanks….please like

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