Important Vocab GDP Currency v

Important Vocab


Currencyvalue of all final goods and services produced within a country’sborders

Real GDP

Currency value of all final goods and services producedwithin a country’s borders minus the

effects ofinflation


A general rise in the pricelevel of an economy


Dollar value of all goods and services purchased byhouseholds


Dollar value of all goods and services purchased bybusiness for the purpose of using in their



Dollar value of all goods and services purchased by thevarious agencies of the United States.

Net Exports

Dollar value of all goods andservices produced in the United States and shipped to othercountries

MINUS the value of the goods and services imported fromother countries

Aggregate Demand

The amount of goods and services ALL buyers in theeconomy are willing/able to buy at all the

possible pricelevels

Aggregate Supply

The amount of goods and services ALL companies arewilling to produce at ALL possible price levels

GDP Per Capita

Currency value of all final goods and services producedwithin a country’s borders divided by

the population


Goods and services produced in other countries, thenbrought to the United States in exchange for



Goods and services produced in the United States, thensent to other countries in exchange for


Standard ofLiving

Intangible concept that seeks to represent a country’slevel of economic prosperity. Correlates

with GDP growth


Based on the vocab &videos in Chapter 8 complete the following:

What is GDP?

  • Currency value of all _____________ goods andservices produced

_________________ in a givenperiod

  • Total income of a nation
  • Measure of nation‟s economic well-being
  • Measure of a nation‟s ______________________ from one period tothe next
  • Most commonly calculated via ____________________

Four components of GDPexpenditures

  • Consumption: $ amount of goods and servicespurchased by__________________
    • ONLY counts goods produced in the _____________
    • Examples: __________________________________

  • Investment: $ amount spent by business onproductive resources and purchases of _________ by consumers! – Newmachines, new factories, research
    • ____________________________ also counts

  • Government: $ amount spent____________________provided goods and services
    • Example: ______________________________________

  • Net exports =_______________________________



GDP = _____ + _____ + _____ + _____

What’s NOT included inGDP?

  • Intermediate goods           ¨Financial transactions
  • Used goods           ¨Household production
  • Underground production (black    ¨ Transfer paymentsmarket)          



What GDP does not tellus:

  • Does not measure ___________________
  • Does not measure non-monetary output or transactions (e.g.,barter, household activities) ¨ Does not take into accountdesirable externalities, such as ________________


  • Does not measure social well-being
  • Correlates to standard of living but is_______________________________



Component of GDP affected:

C, I, G, X-M, or NCnot counted

Effect on GDP

(increase, decrease, nochange)

1. A farmer purchases a new tractor.

2. Businesses increase their current inventories.

3. You spend $7 to attend a movie.

4. Worried about consumer confidence,Ford purchases less sheet metal for cars.

5. A retired man cashes his socialsecurity check from the government.

6. A French company purchases aone-year membership to, a U.S.-based


7. A person pays $450 a month to rent an apartment.

8. Worried about a recession, peoplebegin saving more money.

9. The U.S. government hires 10Chinese-language experts from China to train U.S. workers.

10. Government closes school for the month of March.



What isGDP?

  • Currency value of allfinal goods and services produced in a country ina given period
  • Total income of anation
  • Measure of nation‟s economicwell-being
  • Measure of a nation‟s economicgrowth from one period to the next
  • Most commonly calculated viaexpenditure method

Four components of GDPexpenditures

Consumption: $ amount of goods and services purchased byhouseholds

  • ONLY counts goods produced in thecurrent financial year
  • Examples: ice creampurchase

Investment: $ amount spent by business on productiveresources and purchases of new houses by consumers! – New machines,new factories, research

  • Goods inventory alsocounts

Government: $ amount spent by government provided goods andservices

  • Example: social securitypayment

Net exports= Exports-imports

Exports: Goods and servicesproduced in the United States, then sent to other countries inexchange for currency

Imports: Goods and services produced in other countries,then brought to the United States in exchange forcurrency

GDP = Consmption + investment +government spending + net exports

What’s NOT included inGDP?

· Intermediate goods           ¨Financial transactions

· Used goods           ¨Household production

· Underground production (black    ¨Transfer payments market)          



What GDP does not tellus:

  • Does not measureinequality.
  • Does not measure non-monetaryoutput or transactions (e.g., barter, household activities) ¨ Doesnot take into account desirable externalities, such as leisure orenvironment
  • Does not measure socialwell-being
  • Correlates to standard of livingbut is not an actual measure of standard of living
Scenario component affected change in GDP
A farmer purchases a new tractor I increase
Businesses increase their current inventories I increase
You spend $7 to attend a movie C increase

Worried about consumer confidence, Ford purchases less sheetmetal for cars.

I decrease
A retired man cashes his social security check from thegovernment G increase
A French company purchases a one-year membership, a U.S.-based website X-M increase
A person pays $450 a month to rent an apartment C decrease
Worried about a recession, people begin saving more money I decrease
The U.S. government hires 10 Chinese-language experts fromChina to train U.S. workers X-M decrease
Government closes school for the month of March G decrease

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