in percentage of water in hydr

in percentage of water in hydrated salts experiment

1.How does the “percent-water in the hydrated salt” will beaffected -?

a.If you handle the crucible with (oily) fingers before its massmeasurements.

. b.If the hydrated salt is overheated and the anhydrous saltthermally

c.decomposes, one product being a gas d.If one student decidedto skip the step of reheating the sample in the experimentalprocedure.

e.If the original sample is unknowingly contaminated with asecond anhydrous salt.

2. What is the % mass of water present in a 4.63 g sample ofFeCl3 ●6H2O?


Hydrated salts

1. Effect of following errors on percent water in th hydratedsalt

a. If the crucible was handled with oily fingers, impuritieswill be added to the crucible which would increase the mass of saltbefore mass meaurement. Therefore, higher percent water in thehydrated salt would be obtained than the actual value.

b. If overheating of hydrated salt is done, leading todecomposition of salt. Lesser mass of water would be obtained,therefore, lower percent water would be calculated than actualvalue.

c. decomposed products have one gas, which leaves lowering downthe percent water in the salt.

d. If student skips reheating the sample step, higher mass oforiginal dehydrated salt is obtained. Therefore higher percentwater is calculated in this case.

2. percent water in 4.63 g of FeCl3.6H2O

molar mass of FeCl3.6H2O = 270.3 g/mol

mass of 6H2O = 6 x 18.015 g/mol = 108.1 g/mol

percent water = 108.1 x 100/270.3 = 40%


mass water in 4.63 g sample = 4.63 x 0.4 = 1.852 g

percent water = 40%

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