is flight club legit

Does Flight Club sell real shoes? – With three brick-and-mortar locations in New York City, Los Angeles and Miami, Flight Club remains the premier source for authentic, rare sneakers.

Is Flight Club a trusted website? – Flight Club has a consumer rating of 1.8 stars from 265 reviews indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Consumers complaining about Flight Club most frequently mention customer service, wrong size and air jordan problems. Flight Club ranks 15th among Athletic Shoes sites.

Is Flight Club same as GOAT? – Flight Club acquired by Goat Group.

Does Flight Club do returns? – Flight Club is a ship-to-verify and consignment marketplace, meaning all items we carry and offer on this site are provided by independent owners. Once an item sells, either online or in one of our stores, the owner receives payment for their merchandise. Because of this, we are unable to process returns or exchanges.

Are Flight Club shoes new or used? – Flight Club only accepts sneakers that are authentic, unworn and in brand new condition. Sneakers must also include all of their original tags to be eligible for resale. We do not accept any used or previously worn shoes.

Who is the owner of Flight Club? – Damany Weir is the Founder at Flight Club .

How does Flight Club get their shoes? – Flight Club works partially on a consignment model. Usually, sellers send in their shoes, which Flight Club holds and displays in one of its three stores until they are sold. Once the product is sold, the seller is paid and Flight Club takes a 20% cut of the sale.

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