Jimmy Adams , on March 1st 202

Jimmy Adams , on March 1st 2020, started a new accountingpractice called X-Factor Accounting with the aim to provide thebook keeping services to small and medium business organization inLower Mainland. During its first month of operations followingtransactions have occurred.
March 1st – Adams invested $ 50,000 in cash and officeequipment worth $ 12,000.
March 1st – Paid $ 9,000 cash for three months rent for anoffice, in advance.
March 2nd – Paid $ 1,000 to Max Ads, for onlineadvertisement.
March 3rd – Purchased office equipment woth $ 6,000 and OfficeSupplies worth $ 1,200 on credit.
March 5th – Completed a job for a client and imemdiatelyreceived $6,200 in cash.
March 7th – Purchased computers worth $ 5000 on credit.
March 11th – Paid the amount that was due from March 3rdtransaction.
March 15th – Paid $ 3,000 for the annual premium on aninsurance policy.
March 21st – Paid $ 300 for repairs of computers.
March 23rd – Completed work for another client for $ 15,850 oncredit.
March 25th – Received a telephone bill for $ 500 and is notpaid yet.
March 27th – Adams withdrew $ 3,500 cash from business to paypersonal expenses.
March 30th – Purchased $ 650 worth office supplies oncredit.
March 31st – Paid salries worth $ 5,000 .
March 31st – Received $ 4,500 as partial payment for the workcompleted on March 23rd.
Prepare the following
a. Record the journal entries in the books of X-FactorAccounting for the month of March 2020.
b. Post the amonts to respective T Accounts
c. Prepare Trial Balance for X-Factor Accounting as of March31st 2020.   



Date Particulars Debit Credit
March 1 Cash a/c 50000
Office Equipment a/c 12000
Adam’s Equity a/c 62000
March 1 Prepaid Office Rent a/c 9000
Cash a/c 9000
March 2 Max ads-Advertisment Expense a/c 1000
Cash a/c 1000
March 3 Office Equipment a/c 6000
Office Supplies a/c 1200
Accouts Payable a/c 7200
March 5 Cash a/c 6200
Service Revenue a/c 6200
March 7 Computers a/c 5000
Accounts Payable a/c 5000
March 11 Accounts Payable a/c 7200
Cash a/c 7200
March 15 Insurance Premium a/c 3000
Cash a/c 3000
March 21 Repair Expense a/c 300
Cash a/c 300
March 23 Accounts Receivable a/c 15850
Service Revenue a/c 15850
March 25 Telephone Expense a/c 500
Telephone Bill Payable a/c 500
March 27 Adam’s Equity a/c 3500
Cash a/c 3500
March 30 Office Supllies a/c 650
Accounts Payable a/c 650
March 31 Salaries a/c 5000
Cash a/c 5000
March 31 Cash a/c 4500
Accounts Receivable a/c 4500

Cash a/c

Particulars $ Particulars $
Adam’s Equity a/c 50000 Prepaid Office Rent a/c 9000
Service Revenue a/c 6200 Max Ads-Advertisement Expense a/c 1000
Accounts Receivable a/c 4500 Accounts Payable a/c 7200
Insurance Premium a/c 3000
Repair Expense a/c 300
Adam’s Equity a/c 3500
Salaries a/c 5000
Balance c/d 31700
60,700 60,700

Office Equipmenta/c

Particulars $ Particulars $
Adam’s Equity a/c 12000
Accounts Payable a/c 6000 Balance c/d 18000
18,000 18,000

Adam’s Equitya/c

Particulars $ Particulars $
Cash a/c 3500 Cash a/c 50000
Balance c/d 58500 Office Equipment a/c 12000
62,000 62,000

Prepaid Renta/c

Particulars $ Particulars $
Cash a/c 9000
Balance c/d 9000
9000 9000

Max Ads-AdvertismentExpense

Particulars $ Particulars $
Cash a/c 1000
Balance c/d 1000
1000 1000


Particulars $ Particulars $
Accounts Payable a/c 1200
A/c Payable a/c 650 Balance c/d 1850
1850 1850

Accounts Payablea/c

Particulars $ Particulars $
Cash 7200 Office Equipment a/c 6000
Office Supplies a/c 1200
Computers a/c 5000
Balance c/d 5650 Office Supplies 650
12850 12850

Service Revenuea/c

Particulars $ Particulars $
Cash a/c 6200
Balance c/d 22050 Accounts Receivable a/c 15850
22050 22050

Computers a/c

Particulars $ Particulars $
Accounts Payable a/c 5000
Balance c/d 5000
5000 5000

Insurance Premium a/c

Particulars $ Particulars $
Cash a/c 3000
Balance c/d 3000
3000 3000

Repair Expensea/c

Particulars $ Particulars $
Cash a/c 300
Balance c/d 300
300 300

Accounts Receivablea/c

Particulars $ Particulars $
Service Revenue a/c 15850 Cash a/c 4500
Balance c/d 11350
15850 15850

Telephone Expensea/c

Particulars $ Particulars $
Telephone Bill Payable a/c 500
Balance c/d 500
500 500

Telephone Bill Payablea/c

Particulars $ Particulars $
Telephone Expense a/c 500
Balance c/d 500
500 500


Particulars $ Particulars $
Cash a/c 5000
Balance c/d 5000
5000 5000


Trial Balance as on 31st March2020

Accounts Debit Credit
Cash a/c 31700
Office Equipment a/c 18000
Adam’s Equity a/c 58500
Prepaid Rent a/c 9000
Max Ads-Advertisment Expense a/c 1000
Office Supplies a/c 1850
Accounts Payable a/c 5650
Service Revenue a/c 22050
Computers a/c 5000
Insurance Premium a/c 3000
Repair Expense a/c 300
Accounts Receivable a/c 11350
Telephone Expense a/c 500
Telephone Bill Payable a/c 500
Salaries a/c 5000
Total $86,700 $86,700

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