Johnson, Inc. projects sales f

Johnson, Inc. projects sales for next year will be 55,000 unitsif the sales price is $27.50. At this level, unit fixed costs willbe $8.30 while total variable costs will be $693,000. The vicepresident of marketing advises management to reduce sales price to$26.00 and to undertake a national advertising campaign costing$12,000.

  1. What is the breakeven point for the company in terms of dollarsand units before giving effect to the vice president’s plan?
  2. What is the breakeven point in units after giving effect to theplan?
  3. The vice president believes that his plan will result in abefore tax earnings of $56,000. How many units must be sold toreach this earnings level?


Working Note1:
Total Per Unit
No. of Units               55,000
Sales         1,512,500 27.50
Less: Variable cost             693,000 12.60
Contribution margin             819,500 14.90
Less: Fixed cost             456,500
Net Income             363,000
Contribution margin ratio 54.18%
a) Break Even (Dollars) = Fixed cost /contribution margin ratio
Break Even (Unit ) = Fixed cost /contribution margin per unit
    =456600 /14.9
                            30,644 Units
Working Note2: After Affect of Vicepresident
Total Per Unit
No. of Units               55,000
Sales         1,430,000 26.00
Less: Variable cost             693,000 12.60
Contribution margin             737,000 13.40
Less: Fixed cost             468,500
Net Income             268,500
Contribution margin ratio 51.54%
b) Break Even (Dollars) = Fixed cost /contribution margin ratio
Break Even (Unit ) = Fixed cost /contribution margin per unit
    =468500 /13.4
                            34,963 Units
c) Target Units = (Total fixed cost +Target income / contribution margin per unit)
    =(468500 +56000)/13.4
                            39,142 Units

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