) Kofi Brokeman Ltd manufactur

) Kofi Brokeman Ltd manufactures four products usingthe same machinery. The followingdetails relate to its cost and sales per unit of eachproduct:Fandango FanChoco Fanice Choco MaltGHȼ GHȼ GHȼ GHȼSelling price 28 30 45 42Direct material 5 6 8 6Direct labour 4 4 8 8Variable overhead 3 3 6 6Fixed overhead* 8 8 16 16Profit 8 9 7 6Labour hours 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50Machine hours 4 3 4 5Units Units Units UnitsMaximum demand per week 200 180 250 100*Fixed costs are GHȼ8,000 per week.There is a maximum of 2000 machine hours available per week.Requirement:Determine the production plan that will maximize the weekly profitof Kofi Brokeman Ltd andprepare a profit statement showing the profit your plan will yield.(15 marks



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