Let X equal the outcome (1, 2

Let X equal the outcome (1, 2 , 3 or 4) when a fair four-sideddie is rolled; let Y equal the outcome (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6) when afair six-sided die is rolled. Let W=X+Y.

a. What is the pdf of W?

b What is E(W)?



Since each of the four outcomes are equally likely soprobability of getting any outcome when a four sided die is rolledis 1/4.

Since each of the six outcomes are equally likely so probabilityof getting any outcome when a six sided die is rolled is 1/6.

Possible number of outcomes when a four sided and a 6 sided dieis rolled is 4*6 = 24.

Probability of each outcome is 1 / 24 = 0.0417

Following table shows all the possible outcomes and probability:

X Y W=X+Y P(W=w)
1 1 2 0.04167
1 2 3 0.04167
1 3 4 0.04167
1 4 5 0.04167
1 5 6 0.04167
1 6 7 0.04167
2 1 3 0.04167
2 2 4 0.04167
2 3 5 0.04167
2 4 6 0.04167
2 5 7 0.04167
2 6 8 0.04167
3 1 4 0.04167
3 2 5 0.04167
3 3 6 0.04167
3 4 7 0.04167
3 5 8 0.04167
3 6 9 0.04167
4 1 5 0.04167
4 2 6 0.04167
4 3 7 0.04167
4 4 8 0.04167
4 5 9 0.04167
4 6 10 0.04167

To find the pdf of W we need to combine the same values of W.Following is the pdf of W:

W P(W=w)
2 0.04167
3 0.08334
4 0.12501
5 0.16668
6 0.16668
7 0.16668
8 0.12501
9 0.08334
10 0.04167


The expected value of W is

W P(W=w) W*P(W=w)
2 0.04167 0.08334
3 0.08334 0.25002
4 0.12501 0.50004
5 0.16668 0.8334
6 0.16668 1.00008
7 0.16668 1.16676
8 0.12501 1.00008
9 0.08334 0.75006
10 0.04167 0.4167
Total 1.00008 6.00048

So the expected value is

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