List two ways that a dissectin

  1. List two ways that a dissecting microscope differs from acompound microscope.
  2. Which microscope, the compound light or the dissectingmicroscope has a lower magnification?
  3. Describe how and with what you are to clean the lens of themicroscope.
  4. List four things that you are to do when you are finished usingthe microscope at the end of lab.


Microscopes are instruments that enable to see the objects thatare too small to to be seen using naked eyes. There are differenttypes of microscopes like compound microscope, scanning electronmicroscope, dissection microscope etc.

Q1) Difference between dissection microscope and scanningmicroscope

1. Dissection microscopes has lower power of magnification ascompared to compound microscope. The magnification of dissectionmicroscope will be below 70x whereas the magnification of compoundmicroscope ranges from 40x to 1000x.

2.Compound microscopes have higher optical resolution thandissection microscope. Therefore, compound microscope is used toview very finer details of the specimen. Whereas dissectionmicroscope is used to view larger and opaque surfaces of thespecimen.

3. Compound microscope mainly produces two dimensional imageswhereas dissection microscope produces three dimensionalimages.

4. Dissection microscope have a large working space of 25 to 15millimeters, whereas compound microscope have lesser working spacevaries from 0.14 to 4 millimeters.

Q2) Which microscope, the compound light or the dissectingmicroscope has a lower magnification?

Dissection microscopes has lower power of magnification ascompared to compound microscope. The magnification of dissectionmicroscope will be below 70x whereas the magnification of compoundmicroscope ranges from 40x to 1000x.

Q3) Describe how and with what you are to clean the lens of themicroscope.

Cleaning of microscope lens should be done with atmos care. Forremoving the loose dust, compressed air or a stream ofair  can be used thereby the damages to the microscopeoptics can be reduced. When removing the dirt from the lens, alwaysuse a lint-free cotton swab or tissue paper and never clean thelens with micro fibre cloth or paper as it may cause scratches onthe lens surface. The lens can be cleaned using lint-free cottonswab dipped in a lens cleaning solution, isopropyl alcohol orsterile distilled water.  It is advisable to avoidacetone for cleaning the lens as acetone may damages to the plasticcomponents of the microscope.

Q4) List four things that you are to do when you are finishedusing the microscope at the end of lab.

1. Lower the stage of the microscope and remove the slide fromthe stage.

2. Clean the objective lenses using lens-cleaning solution andlint-free swab or lint-free tissue paper.

3. Center the stage and make sure that it is not projecting oneither sides and wrap the cord of the microscope under thestage.

4. Cover the microscope and return the microscope by carrying itwith both the hands.

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