Listed below is the net sales

Listed below is the net sales in $ million for Home Depot Inc.and its subsidiaries from 1993 to 2015. Remember to code the yearsstarting at 1 for year 1993. Year Net Sales 1993 $ 9,854 199412,629 1995 16,212 1996 19,085 1997 23,642 1998 31,934 1999 40,0352000 46,621 2001 55,432 2002 58,246 2003 64,438 2004 73,664 200580,767 2006 89,476 2007 78,442 2008 73,135 2009 64,853 2010 67,2232011 70,034 2012 75,408 2013 78,117 2014 82,730 2015 88,658 Clickhere for the Excel Data File Determine the least squares equation.On the basis of this information, what are the estimated sales for2016 and 2017? (Round your final answers to 2 decimal places.)


Least squares regression equation is


Coded value of Year for 2016 is 24.

Predicted sales for 2016 is  15165.6403+3448.64229*24=97933.06 (in $)

Coded value of Year for 2017 is 25.

Predicted sales for 2017 is  15165.6403+3448.64229*25=

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