Listed in the accompanying dat

Listed in the accompanying data table are birth weights​ (g)from a sample of 26 births. When applying the Wilcoxon​ rank-sumtest, what is the sum of the ranks for the sample of birth weightsof​ girls? Girl 3700 1000 2200 4300 3100 1900 2700 3400 2900 25004000 3400 2700 3200 Boy 3600 2700 3700 4200 3600 1800 3400 38002700 3300 3400 300

The sum of the ranks for the sample of birth weights of girlsis? .


The answer is 174.5

Let girls be Sample 1 and boys be Sample 2.

First, we put both samples together and organize it in ascendingorder, which is shown in the table below:

Sample Value
2 300
1 1000
2 1800
1 1900
1 2200
1 2500
1 2700
1 2700
2 2700
2 2700
1 2900
1 3100
1 3200
2 3300
1 3400
1 3400
2 3400
2 3400
2 3600
2 3600
1 3700
2 3700
2 3800
1 4000
2 4200
1 4300

Now, that the values that are in ascending order are assignedranks to them, taking care of assigning the average rank to valueswith rank ties

Sample Value Rank Rank (Adjusted for ties)
2 300 1 1
1 1000 2 2
2 1800 3 3
1 1900 4 4
1 2200 5 5
1 2500 6 6
1 2700 7 8.5
1 2700 8 8.5
2 2700 9 8.5
2 2700 10 8.5
1 2900 11 11
1 3100 12 12
1 3200 13 13
2 3300 14 14
1 3400 15 16.5
1 3400 16 16.5
2 3400 17 16.5
2 3400 18 16.5
2 3600 19 19.5
2 3600 20 19.5
1 3700 21 21.5
2 3700 22 21.5
2 3800 23 23
1 4000 24 24
2 4200 25 25
1 4300 26 26

The sum of ranks for sample 1 i.e. girls is:

and the sum of ranks of sample 2 is:

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