Luxottica – a monopoly in eyew

Luxottica – a monopoly in eyewear products (in fact there areother companies but Luxottica controls over 80% of production), cansell 1 eyeglass when the price is $30, 2 eyeglasses when the priceis $25, 3 eyeglasses when the price is $20 and 4 eyeglasses whenthe price is $17. It can produce a maximum of 4 eyeglasses perminute. If the marginal cost of producing an eyeglass is $9then

a the firm will produce 4 eyeglasses in a minute since that isthe maximum amount it can produce.
b the firm will produce 4 eyeglasses per minute since the priceof $17 at which it can sell 4 eyeglasses is greater than themarginal cost
c the firm will produce and sell only 3 eyeglasses per minute asthe marginal revenue from the 4th eyeglass is only $8 that is lessthan the marginal cost of $9
d the firm will produce and sell only 2 eyeglasses per minute asthat is the profit maximizing output for this firm

the firm does not know its profit maximizing output since itdoes not have any information about total cost.


Monopoly is considered less efficient than a perfectlycompetitive industry because:

a does not produce goods in different varieties
b a monopoly ordinarily utilizes old-fashioned, inefficienttechnologies because they don’t need to be efficient to makeprofits.
c monopoly produces lower output and charges higher price thanperfectly competitive industry
d under monopoly not all the surplus from trade would berealized

C and D are correct


Which one of the following is not true about naturalmonopoly?

a A. a natural monopoly occurs when economies of scale allow onefirm to supply the entire market at the lowest possible cost.
b B. A natural monopoly regulated with a marginal cost pricingrule results in an economic loss for the regulated firm.
c C. A natural monopoly arises when a firm owns vital resourceneeded to produce a good.
d D. A natural monopoly regulated with a average cost pricingrule results in an normal profit for the regulated firm.

E. Unregulated natural monopoly earns excess profit at theexpense of a loss in consumer surplus.


20. If IPL is regulated with an average cost principle, it wouldserve _________ households and charge ______ per household permonth. (use the figure in question 19 to answer this question)

a 20,000; $10
b 40,000; $10
c 20,000; $30
d 30,000; $20

20,000; $25


21. A natural monopoly regulated with an average cost pricingrule is ________ and there is _________.

a efficient and incurs an economic loss; no deadweight loss
b inefficient and makes zero economic profit; deadweightloss
c inefficient and makes an economic profit; no deadweightloss
d efficient and makes zero economic profit; deadweight loss
e inefficient and mak


Profit maximizes at he points where MR= MC and MR = change in TRand TR = Px Q

1 30 30
2 25 50 20
3 20 60 10
4 17 68 8

At Q = 2, MC = MR

1. d. the firm will produce and sell only 2 eyeglasses perminute as that is the profit maximizing output for this firm

2. c. monopoly produces lower output and charges higher pricethan perfectly competitive industry. In long run, a monopolist doesnot produce at minimum average cost and hence is not productiveefficient.

3. A. a natural monopoly occurs when economies of scale allowone firm to supply the entire market at the lowest possible cost.Monopolist never supplies at the minimum possible cost. He alwaystries to maximize his profits. Rest all are true aboutmonopoly.

20. Figure not given

21. inefficient and makes zero economic profit; deadweight loss.A monopolist cannot produce at minimum average cost and hencecannot be efficient.

Average cost pricing means P = AC and profit = P-AC = zero.

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