Make a summary about being an

Make a summary about being an effective leader in healthcare/cite references Include the importance of:

-having trust in your employees and not micromanaging

-explaining the why in situations so employees are more likelyto accept your ideas

-meeting as often as possible and setting a tone for open doorpolicy with employees

-Explain how a leader can fail from being afraid to admit faultor ask questions


Having trust in your employees and not micromanaging;—Trust is a powerful force that builds loyalty,increasescredibility and support effective communication..​–Hire and promote people, who are capable of forming positive,trusting interpersonal relationship with people who report tothem,to supervisory positions.Listen with respect and full attention.​–Exhibit empathy and sensitivity to the needs of staffmembers.​–Take thoughtful risks to improve service and products for themembers.–Confront hard issues in a timely fashion​–Make sure the communication is happening ,and use both informaland formal methods.​Explaining the why in situations so employees aremost likely toaccecpt your ideas:-​–Instead of being reactive and attempting to sell youe employeeson the idea of liking the change,you must instead let them openlyresist and vent until they repeat themselves.–Instead of forcing decisions or information by using the pullprocess to get them to want to do things need to be done.–Communicate openly,honestly and frequently–Listening to employee complaints.–In health care employee motivation: in jobsecurity,benefits,retirement,compensation must be consideredmore.​Meeting as often as possible and setting a tone for open doorpolicy with employees:-​–Implement an OPEN DOOR POLICY for staff members to talk,shareideas and discuss concerns. Make sure that managers understand theproblems that they can and should solve will be directed back tothem,but it is the executive’s job to listen.​Explain how a leader can fail from being afraid to admit fault orask questions:-​–Most failure in this categary can indeed be considered”bad”.with proper training and support,employees can follow thoseprocesses consistently. when they don’t deviance,in attention orlack of ability is uaually the reason.​–Although serious failures can be averted by following, bestpractices for safety and risk management. most accidents inhospitals result from a serious of small failure that wentunnoticed and unfortunately lined up in just the wrongway…

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