Mark Giltrow and Denise Chan a

Mark Giltrow and Denise Chan are forming a business to imprint​T-shirts. Giltrow suggests that they organize as a partnership inorder to avoid the unlimited liability of a proprietorship.According to​ Giltrow, partnerships are not very risky.

      Giltrow explains to Chan that if the business does not​succeed, each partner can withdraw from the​ business, taking thesame assets that she or he invested at its beginning. Giltrowstates that the main disadvantage of the partnership form oforganization is double​ taxation: First, the partnership pays abusiness income​ tax; second, each partner also pays a personalincome tax on her or his share of the​ business’s profits.

Correct the errors in​ Giltrow’s explanation.

1. A partner has

personal liability for the obligations of the partnership.Therefore partnerships are

not risky


for a partner.2. A partner



take from the business the same assets that he or she investedat the beginning. 3. Partnerships

don’t pay


business income tax.


Mark Giltrow and Denise Chan are partners. They form apartnership firm to imprint T-Shirt.

1. A partner has personal liability for the obligations of thepartnership. Therefore partnerships are not risky.


Partnership is not risky in compare to sole proprietorshipbecause in partnership all debts are divided among partners inagreed ratio. No single partner is responsible for businessoperations. Because all decisions in partnership are taken byagreement of all partners.

But in sole proprietorship all debts are bear by only the soleproprietor who owns the business.

2. A partner cannot takefrom the business the same assets that he or she invested at thebeginning.


Partners can’t take from the business the same asstes that isinvested at the beginning. Because partners are personallyresponsible for all debts and any liabilities arise from businessoperations. If in any case business does not succeed then allassets are sold out and from liabilities are paid out and remainingportion is divided among partners in agreed ratio.

3. Partnerships  don’t paybusiness income tax.


In partnership the partners manages and control the business,and all earning from it flows directly through the business to thepartners, who are then taxed based on their portion of the income.Partners pay personal income taxes on their business profits.

Thus, profits get taxed only once { No double taxation} by thepersonal income tax. Partners don’t pay business income tax.

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