Mastery Problem: Internal Cont

Mastery Problem: Internal Control and Cash

Murdstone, Inc.,

You’ve just been hired as an accountant at Murdstone, Inc., aretailer of supplies for arts and crafts. Since the previousaccountant left his position suddenly, the controller of Murdstone,Inc. has asked for your assistance in filling in some missing datafor the company’s January accounting records. You’ll also beresponsible for training the company’s new accounting intern.

Cash Short and Over

The controller has completed the T accounts for the cash andsales accounts as of January 30, but needs to attend an importantconference in another city. She has requested that you prepare theT account for the cash short and over account as of January 30also. You are told that the balance of the account is zero as ofthe beginning of January, and that all the company’s sales are incash. To simplify, this problem assumes that a company has only onebank account, which is identified in the Ledger as “Cash.”

Review the following T accounts, and then scroll down tocomplete the cash short and over T account and answer theassociated question that follows it.

Balance 1/1 5,500     1/2 Establish Petty Cash 500  
1/5 2,775        
1/12 6,355        
1/23 3,270        
1/30 4,450        
Balance 21,850        
  Balance 1/1 0  
1/5 2,780  
   1/12 6,320  
   1/23 3,290  
   1/30 4,380  
     Balance 16,770  

Review the preceding T accounts, and then complete the cashshort and over T account and associated question that followsit.

Cash Short and Over
Balance 1/1 0 1/12
1/5 1/30

What will happen to the ending balance in the cash short andover account at the end of the accounting period?The discrepancy must be reported on the company website.


Petty Cash

Murdstone, Inc. issued a check on January 2 to establish a pettycash fund of $500. On January 31, the amount of cash in the pettycash fund is $443. The company would like to issue a check toreplenish the fund, based on the following summary of petty cashreceipts:

Account Amount onReceipt
Office Supplies $28
Miscellaneous Administrative Expense 23

The company’s policy is to record any missing funds in the cashshort and over account.

The new intern has prepared a proposed journal entry to recordthe replenishing of the petty cash fund:

Date Description Debit Credit
Jan. 31 Petty Cash 51
        Cash 51

Prepare for your discussion with the intern by journalizing thecorrect entry for the replenishment of the petty cash fund. If anamount box does not require an entry, leave it blank.

Jan. 31 Inventory
Miscellaneous Administrative Expense


Bank Reconciliation

The company’s accounting intern has prepared the end-of-Januarybank reconciliation from the bank statement, and is worried becausethe adjusted balance amounts do not agree. After reviewing the bankreconciliation, scroll down for the next steps in helping theintern.

Murdstone, Inc.Bank ReconciliationJanuary 31, 20Y5
Cash balance according to bank statement $23,557.98
Add: Deposit in transit on January 31 12,125.25
Deduct: Outstanding Check No. 124 $(62.00)
            OutstandingCheck No. 125 (42.00)
            OutstandingCheck No. 129 (1,250.00)
                  Totaldeductions (1,354.00)
Adjusted balance $34,329.23
Cash balance according to Murdstone, Inc. $51,596.88
Add: Note and interest collected by bank 15,250.75
Deduct: Check returned because of insufficient funds $(23,475.40)
            Bankservice charge (250.00)
            Errorin recording Check No. 123 (9,000.00)
                  Totaldeductions (32,725.40)
Adjusted balance $34,122.23

You assist the intern to check source documents, and find thatmost of the dollar amounts are correct; however, two dollar amountsare incorrect. After reviewing the following table, scroll down forthe next steps in helping the intern.

Item Correct inIntern’s Reconciliation? If “No,”Corrected Amount
Cash balance according to bank statement Yes
Deposit in transit on January 31 Yes
Outstanding Check No. 124 Yes
Outstanding Check No. 125 No $24.00
Outstanding Check No. 129 Yes
Cash balance according to Murdstone, Inc. Yes
Check returned because of insufficient funds Yes
Note and interest collected by bank Yes
Bank service charge No $25.00
Murdstone error in recording Check No. 123 as $12,435.00 ratherthan the correct amount of $21,435.00 Yes

After asking the intern to search for other errors by comparingher reconciliation to prior bank reconciliations prepared by theformer accountant, you work together to compute the correctedadjusted balance. Round your answer to two decimal places.

Corrected adjusted balance amount: $


Dr Cr
Cash Short and Overaccount
Date Particulars Amount Date Particulars Amount
   43,831.00 Opening Balance               –          43,842.00 Sales                      35.00
   43,835.00 Sales          5.00        43,860.00 Sales                      70.00
   43,853.00 Sales        20.00
   43,861.00 Cash        80.00
Closing Balance               –  
I Balance Amount will be transferrred tocash
Cash Short and Overaccount Dr                 80.00
Cash Cr                 80.00
II There is an excess sales recorded incompanys books
This should be reported on company’swebsites
III Petty Cash replenishment Journalentry
Office Supplies Dr                 28.00
Misellaneous AdministrativeExpenses Dr                 23.00
Cash Short and Overaccount Dr                   6.00
Cash Cr                 57.00
Murdstone, Inc.
Bank Reconciliation
January 31, 20Y5
Cash balance according to bankstatement                                     23,557.98
Add: Deposit in transit on January31                                     12,125.25
Deduct: Outstanding Check No.124              (62.00)
            Outstanding Check No. 125              (24.00)
            Outstanding Check No. 129        (1,250.00)
                  Total deductions                                     (1,336.00)
Adjusted balance                                     34,347.23
Cash balance according to Murdstone,Inc.                                     51,596.88
Add: Note and interest collected bybank

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