Match the site on the ribosoma


Match the site on the ribosomal subunits (select A, P, or E) to each of the following reaction.
 The docking site for N-formylmethionine (fMet) tRNA
 Binding site for the uncharged tRNA before it leaves the ribosome Peptidyl transferase center
 Decoding center
 Binding site for IF-3
 Binding site for IF-1
 Binding sites for incoming charged tRNA
 Binding site for the deacylated tRNA
 Binding of the EF-G occurs at this site
 Binding site for the tRNA attached to the growing peptide chain on 50S
 Site where start codon first docks
 Site where codon (not start codon) and anticodon first associate



1:- P site ( docking site for N-formylmethionine)

2:- E site ( binding site for uncharged tRNA)

3:- P site ( Peptidyltransferase actvity)

4:- P site ( decoding centre)

5:- P site ( IF3)

6:- A site ( IF1)

7:- A site ( binding site for incoming charged tRNA)

8:- P- site ( deacylated tRNA)

9:- A site ( EF-G )

10:- A site ( binding site for tRNA attached to the growingpeptide)

11:- P site ( start codon docks)

12:- A site ( codon ( not start codon) and anticodon firstassociate)

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