McNulty, Inc., produces desks

McNulty, Inc., produces desks and chairs. A new CFO has justbeen hired and announces a new policy that if a product cannot earna margin of at least 15 percent, it will be dropped. The margin iscomputed as product gross profit divided by reported productcost.

Manufacturing overhead for year 1 totaled $910,000. Overhead isallocated to products based on direct labor cost. Data for year 1show the following.

Chairs Desks
Sales revenue $ 1,112,100 $ 2,570,400
Direct materials 603,000 990,000
Direct labor 170,000 480,000


a-1. Based on the CFO’s new policy, calculatethe profit margin for both chairs and desks.

Profit Margin
Chairs %
Desks %

a-2. Which of the two products should bedropped, chairs or desks?

b. Regardless of your answer in requirement(a), the CFO decides at the beginning of year 2 to dropthe chair product. The company cost analyst estimates that overheadwithout the chair line will be $840,000. The revenue and costs fordesks are expected to be the same as last year. What is theestimated margin for desks in year 2?

Estimated margin for desks – Year 2 %



(i) Sales Revenue $ 1,112,100 $ 2,570,400
Direct material $ 603,000 $ 990,000
Direct labor $ 170,000 $ 480,000
Overhead $ 238,000 $ 672,000
(ii) Total cost $ 1,011,000 $ 2,142,000
(iii) = (i) – (ii) Gross Profit $         101,100 $ 428,400
(iii) / (ii) Profit Margin 10% 20%

Manufacturing overhead allocated to chairs = $910,000/($170,000+$480,000) × $170,000

                                                                               = $238,000

Manufacturing overhead allocated to desks = $910,000/($170,000+$480,000) × $480,000

                                                                               = $672,000


As the gross margin ratio of chairs is less as compared todesks, it should be dropped.



(i) Sales Revenue $ 2,570,400
Direct material $   990,000
Direct labor $   480,000
Overhead $ 8,40,000
(ii) Total cost $ 2,310,000
(iii) = (i) – (ii) Gross Profit $ 260,400
(iii) / (ii) Profit Margin 11.27%

hope you got the answer, please comment for anyclarification

Thankyou and all the best for future


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