Mesa Verde manufactures unpain

Mesa Verde manufactures unpainted furniture for the the do-ityourself (DIY) . It currently sells a table for $66, productioncosts per unit are $45 variable and $11 fixed.

Mesa is considering staining and sealing the table to sell itfor $104. Variable costs per unit to finish each table are expectedto be an additional $20 per unit, and fixed

costs are expected to be an additional $2 per unit.

Prepare an analysis showing whether Mesa Verde should sellunpainted or finished tables.

(SELL ) (Process further ) ( Net Income ( increase/decrease)

Sell price per unit $_____ $_______ $________________________

Cost per unit Variable $ _________ $ ______________$________________________-

Fixed _____________ ___________ $__________________

Total $ ____________ $ ___________ $________________________

Net Income per uni t $_______________ $_______________$_____________________

The table should be ________________________



Statement showing Analysis of Whether the furnitureshould be sold unpainted or as finished tables


Sell Unpainted Furniture(In $)

Process Further and selland Finished Tables (In $)

Differential (In$)

Selling Price





Variable Cost




Fixed Cost








Alternatively, the following statement of incrementalcost and benefit may be prepared


Sell Finished tables (In$)

Increase in Selling Price( $ 104 -$ 66)



Increase in Variable Cost ($ 65-$45)


Increase in Fixed Cost ($ 13 – $11)


Net AdditionalIncome


Decision: From the perusal of above tables, it isevident that if the company plans to process further and sellfinished tables, it will earn additional net income of $ 16.00 perunit. Therefore, the company should process further and sellfinished tables.

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