New combinations of genetic ma
New combinations of genetic material give rise to geneticvariability in sexually reproducing organisms through
- crossover events between nonsister homologous chromatids.
- crossover events between sister chromatids.
- egg and sperm genetic recombination from distinctindividuals.
- egg and sperm genetic recombination from one individual inwhich crossing over and independent assortment of homologues hasoccurred.
- A, C, and D all contribute to genetic variability.
Answer – e. A, C, and D all contribute to geneticvariability.
Explanation – Genetic variation can arise from two processcrossing over between nonsister chromatid of homologous chromosomesand/or independent assortment of chromosmes
a. crossover events between nonsister homologous chromatids.-Correct – Recombination crossover occurs between nonsisterchromatids of homologous pair of chromosomes.
b. crossover events between sister chromatids.- incorrect -Cross over does not occur between sister chromatids.
c.egg and sperm genetic recombination from distinctindividuals.- Correct – egg and sprem consisting recombinantchromosmes arise from crossing over during meiosis and may combinedue to independent assortment of parental and recombinantchromosmes leads to generation of a new non-parental phenotype orgenetic variability.
d.egg and sperm genetic recombination from one individual inwhich crossing over and independent assortment of homologues hasoccurred – correct – In this case similar to case of option c. theresultant zygote generated from fertilization of egg and spernconsist genetic material may be recombinant type (generated due tocrossing over) and independent assortment generating geneticvariability.
Therefore, option a, c and d are correct.
Hnece, the correct option is option e.
A, C, and D all contribute to genetic variability.
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