New Current Sample Size 7 7 Sa

  1. New Current
    Sample Size 7 7
    Sample Mean 518.2857 561.7143
    Sample Standard Deviation 38.9774 27.5058
    Pooled Sample Standard Deviation 33.7328
    Confidence Interval (in terms of New -Current)
    Confidence Coefficient 0.95
    Lower Limit
    Upper Limit
    Hypothesis Test (in terms of New -Current)
    Hypothesized Value
    Test Statistic
    p-value (Lower Tail) 0.0165
    p-value (Upper Tail)
    p-value (Two Tail)
    New Current
    Sample Size 7 7
    Sample Mean 518.2857 561.7143
    Sample Standard Deviation 38.9774 27.5058
    df 10
    Confidence Interval (in terms of New -Current)
    Confidence Coefficient 0.95
    Lower Limit
    Upper Limit
    Hypothesis Test (in terms of New -Current)
    Hypothesized Value
    Test Statistic
    p-value (Lower Tail) 0.0184
    p-value (Upper Tail)
    p-value (Two Tail)

    IBM is interested in comparing the average systems analystproject completion time using the current technology and using thenew computer software package. So, a statistical consultant for IBMrandomly selected 7 projects that used the current technology and 7projects that used the new computer software package. Thecompletion time (in hours) for each project was recorded and thenentered into Excel. Assume the samples are independent and fromnormal populations with equal variances. Can IBM reject thehypothesis μNew – μCurrent = 0 at α=.01?Based on this paragraph of text, use the correct excel output aboveto answer the following question.

    What is the 95% confidence interval for μCurrentNew?


    (3.2556, 83.6016)


    None of the answers is correct


    (-10.1156, 96.9728)


    (4.1392, 82.7180)


    (-11.6559, 98.5131)


95 % CI is

d. (4.1424, 82.7146). PL??

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