Nuclear disarmament should res

Nuclear disarmament should result in the retrieval of largeamounts of plutonium from nuclear weapons that are being destroyed.Suggest one method for disposing of this plutonium and one methodfor repurposing this material. Some people have suggested thatradioactive waste should be shot to the sun or outer space. Listtwo reasons that this is not an attractive disposal method.


There are several methods to dispose of nuclear waste. Howeverall methods have certain advantages and disadvantages.

We cannot use storage containers to dispose plutonium because ofits great half life of around 24000 years. We can bury it deep downbut it has been proved dangerous . Plutonium can be used to powerthe reactors but it is a lot more expensive then we think. It isbetter to dispose off plutonium in water ponds and make use asneeded.

Why disposing nuclear waste in space is not a good option?????

It would be too costly, but there is a bigger reason not tolaunch nuclear waste into space: safety. The failure rate may begood enough when the only lives at stake are those who willinglywent aboard, but when there is a chance that an explosion in theatmosphere will disperse nuclear waste over a wide area, thefailure rate must be much, much lower.

It would be a very, very, very bad idea to leave nuclear wastein LEO, so you would actually need to blast it off to deep space.This is exponentially more expensive.

Further, if we balst it into space, the material may make anorbit around earth which will affect the incomping sunlight and mayenter earth’s atmosphere because of high half life

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