On August 1, 20Y9, Brooke Klin

On August 1, 20Y9, Brooke Kline established Western Realty.Brooke completed the following transactions during the month ofAugust:

a. Opened a business bank account with a deposit of $25,000 inexchange for common stock.
b. Paid rent on office and equipment for the month, $2,800.
c. Paid automobile expenses for month, $1,500, and miscellaneousexpenses, $700.
d. Purchased office supplies on account, $1,150.
e. Earned sales commissions, receiving cash, $21,000.
f. Paid creditor on account, $850.
g. Paid office salaries, $3,100.
h. Paid dividends, $3,200.
i. Determined that the cost of supplies on hand was $450;therefore, the cost of supplies used was $700.
1. Indicate the effect of each transaction and the balances aftereach transaction, using the tabular headings in the exhibit below.In each transaction row (rows indicated by a letter), you mustindicate the math sign (+ or -) in columns affected by thetransaction. You will not need to enter math signs in the balancerows (rows indicated by Bal.). Entries of 0 (zero) are not requiredand will be cleared if entered.
Assets = Liabilities + Stockholders’ Equity
Accounts Common Sales Salaries Rent Auto Supplies Miscellaneous
Cash + Supplies = Payable + Stock Dividends + Commissions Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense
2. a. Prepare an income statement for August. Refer to the listof Accounts, Labels and Amount Descriptions for the exact wordingof the answer choices for text entries. Be sure to complete thestatement heading. You will not need to enter colons (:) on theincome statement. If a net loss has been incurred, enter thatamount as a negative number using a minus sign.
2. b. Prepare a statement of stockholders’ equity for August.Refer to the list of Accounts, Labels and Amount Descriptions forthe exact wording of the answer choices for text entries. Be sureto complete the statement heading. If a net loss is incurred ordividends were paid, enter that amount as a negative number using aminus sign. If an amount is zero, enter “0”.
2. c. Prepare a balance sheet as of August 31. Refer to thelist of Accounts, Labels and Amount Descriptions for the exactwording of the answer choices for text entries. Be sure to completethe statement heading.


1.) Amount $
Assets = Liabilities + Stockholders’ Equity
Accounts Common Sales Salaries Rent Auto Supplies Miscellaneous
S.No. Cash + Supplies = Payable + Stock Dividends + Commissions Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense
a 25,000                            25,000
b    -2,800       2,800
c    -2,200       1,500                    700
d       1,150         1,150
e 21,000             21,000
f       -850          -850
g    -3,100       3,100
h    -3,200         3,200
i         -700          700
Total 33,850 +         450 =           300 +                            25,000        3,200 +             21,000       3,100       2,800       1,500         700                    700
2.) (a) IncomeStatement
Amount in $
Sales Commissions                  21,000
Less: Expenses
Salaries Expense                    3,100
Rent Expense                    2,800
Auto Expense                    1,500
Supplies Expense                        700
Miscellaneous Expense                        700
Net Income                  12,200
( b ) Statement ofStockholer’s Equity Amount in $
Common Stock Retained earnings Total
Issue of Common Stock                  25,000          25,000
Add: Net income                     12,200          12,200
Less: Dividends                      -3,200           -3,200
Balance on December 31,2019                  25,000                       9,000          34,000
(c) BalanceSheet Amount in $
Current Assets
Cash                  33,850
Supplies                        450
Total Assets                  34,300
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable                        300
Stock Holder’s Equity
Common Stock                  25,000
Retained earnings                    9,000
Total Liabilities & Stockholder’sEquity                  34,300

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