On January 1, 2000 Apple Compa

On January 1, 2000 Apple Company acquired all of the stock ofPear Company at book value. Apple accounts for its investment inPear using the initial value method and Pear doesn’t pay anydividends.

On January 1st 2015 Pear Company issued $1,000,000 face valuebonds for $930,000 These 7% bonds pay interest each July 1 andJanuary 1. Pear uses straight line amortization on these 20 yearbonds.

On January 1, 2020, Apple Company acquired all of the Pear bondsfor $955,000.

1. Make the necessary worksheet entries for 2020

2. In 2020, Apple reported unconsolidated income of $900,000 andPear reported income of $100,000 what is consolidated income

3. make the necessary worksheet entries for 2021

4. in 2021, Apple reported unconsolidated inocme of $800,000 andPear reported income $125,000 what is consolidated income


Answer :-

Date Account Title and Description Debit Credit
In the books of Patriot company
1-Jan-2020 Interest Expenses ($1,000,000x 7% x 0.5 Year) $35,000
Premium on bonds payable $1,750
      Cash $36,750
(to record interest expenses payment and amortisation ofPrimium on bonds payable (70,000 x 0.5/20 year))
1-Jul-2020 Interest Expenses ($1,000,000x 7% x 0.5 Year) $35,000
Premium on bonds payable $1,750
      Cash $36,750
(to record interest expenses payment and amortisation ofPrimium on bonds payable (70,000 x 0.5/20 year))
In the books of Chief company
1-Jul-2020 Cash $33,500
Discounts on Investment in bonds $1,500
        Interest income($1,000,000*7%*0.5 yaear) $35,000
(To record interest income and amortization of Discount oninvestment in Patriot bonds 45,000 x 0.5 year/15 years)
Computation of consolidated income in 2019
Particulars $ $
Patriot income 900,000
Chief income 100,000 1,000,000
     Interest expenses $70,000
     Premium on bonds payableamortized $3,500
     Interest income -$70,000
     Discounts on Investment in bondsamortized $1,750 $5,250
Consolidated income $994,750
Date Account Title and Description Debit Credit
In the books of Patriot company
1-Jan-2021 Interest Expenses ($1,000,000*7%*0.5year) $35,000
Premium on bonds payable $1,750
      Cash $36,750
(to record interest expenses payment and amortisation ofPrimium on bonds payable ((70,000 x 0.5/20 year)))
1-Jul-2021 Interest Expenses($1,000,000*7%*0.5year)) $35,000
Premium on bonds payable $1,750
      Cash $36,750
(to record interest expenses payment and amortisation ofPrimium on bonds payable (70,000 x 0.5/20 year))
In the books of Chief company
1-Jan-2021 Cash $33,500
Discounts on Investment in bonds $1,500
        Interest income($1,000,000*7%*0.5 year) $35,000
(To record interest income and amortization of Discount oninvestment in Patriot bonds(45,000 x 0.5 year/15 years)
1-Jul-2021 Cash $33,500
Discounts on Investment in bonds $1,500
        Interest income ($1,000,000*7%*0.5 year) $35,000
(To record interest income and amortization of Discount oninvestment in Patriot bonds(45,000 x 0.5 year/15 years)
Computation of consolidated income in 2020
Particulars $ $
Patriot income 800,000
Chief income 125,000 925,000
     Interest expenses $70,000
     Premium on bonds payableamortized $3,500
     Interest income -70,000
     Discounts on Investment in bondsamortized $3,000 6,500
Consolidated income $918,500

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