On January 1, 2014, McIlroy, I

On January 1, 2014, McIlroy, Inc., acquired a 60 percentinterest in the common stock of Stinson, Inc., for $372,000.Stinson’s book value on that date consisted of common stock of$100,000 and retained earnings of $220,000. Also, theacquisition-date fair value of the 40 percent noncontrollinginterest was $248,000. The subsidiary held patents (with a 10-yearremaining life) that were undervalued within the company’saccounting records by $70,000 and an unrecorded customer list(15-year remaining life) assessed at a $45,000 fair value. Anyremaining excess acquisition-date fair value was assigned togoodwill. Since acquisition, McIlroy has applied the equity methodto its Investment in Stinson account and no goodwill impairment hasoccurred. At year end, there are no intra-entity payables orreceivables.

   Intra-entityinventory sales between the two companies have been made asfollows:
Year Cost toMcIlroy TransferPriceto Stinson EndingBalance(at transfer price)
  2014 120,000 150,000 50,000
  2015 112,000 160,000 40,000

   The individual financial statements for thesetwo companies as of December 31, 2015, and the year then endedfollow:

McIlroy, Inc. Stinson, Inc.
  Sales $ (700,000) $ (335,000)
  Cost of goodssold 460,000   205,000  
  Operatingexpenses 188,000   70,000  
  Equity earnings inStinson (28,000) 0  
       Net income $ (80,000) $ (60,000)
  Retained earnings,1/1/15 $ (695,000) $ (280,000)
  Net income(above) (80,000) (60,000)
  Dividendsdeclared 45,000   15,000  
       Retained earnings,12/31/15 $ (730,000) $ (325,000)
  Cash andreceivables $ 248,000   $ 148,000  
  Inventory 233,000   129,000  
  Investment inStinson 411,000   0  
  Buildings (net) 308,000   202,000  
  Equipment (net) 220,000   86,000  
  Patents (net) 0   20,000  
       Total assets $ 1,420,000   $ 585,000  
  Liabilities $ (390,000) $ (160,000)
  Common stock (300,000) (100,000)
  Retained earnings,12/31/15 (730,000) (325,000)
       Total liabilities andequities $ (1,420,000) $ (585,000)

1. Show how the the followingconsolidated balances for 2015 are calculated:

a)Consolidated cost of goods sold

b)Consolidated inventory

c)Consolidated patent

2. What is the consolidated balance for goodwill onJanuary 1,2014?


           Acquisition-date fair value allocation and excessamortizations

     a.   Consideration transferred……………………….. $372,000

           Noncontrolling interest fair value………………    248,000

           Subsidiary fair value at acquisition-date ….$620,000

           Acquisition-date book value………………………(320,000)

           Fair value in excess of book value …………… $300,000               Annual Excess

                 Excess fair value assignments…………….                    Life       Amortizations

                 to patents……………………………………………….      70,000   10yrs.         $7,000

                 to customer list ……………………………………..      45,000   15yrs.         3,000

                 to goodwill …………………………………………….$185,000   indefinite       -0-


      Determination ofInvestment in Stinson account balance

      Consideration transferred…………………………………………………                                $372,000

           Increase in Stinson’s retained earnings 1/1/14 to1/1/15

           [(280,000 – 220,000) ×60%]………………………………………….               $36,000                   

           Excess fair value amortization ×60%…………………………..                  (6,000)                     

           2014 endinginventory profit deferral (100%)……………….                (10,000)     20,000

           McIlroy’s equity earnings in Stinson for 2015*…………….                                    28,000

           Stinson 2015 dividends paid to McIlroy……………………….                                    (9,000)

      Investment accountbalance 12/31/15……………………………….                                $411,000


      *Stinson’s 2015income………………………………………………….               $60,000

           Excess fair valueamortization……………………………………..                (10,000)

           Adjusted netincome……………………………………………………..               $50,000

           McIlroy’s percentageownership………………………………….                      60%

           McIlroy’s share of Stinson’s adjusted netincome………               $30,000

           2014 intra-entity inventory profit recognized……………….                 10,000

           2015 intra-entity inventory profit deferred……………………                (12,000)

           McIlroy’ equity earnings inStinson………………………………               $28,000

           Intra-entity profits(downstream)                                       2014             2015

           Intra-entity transfers remaining ininventory               50,000         40,000

           Gross profitrate**                                                                      20%              30%

                                                                                                          $10,000       $12,000

       **(150,000 – 120,000) ÷ 150,000 = 20%

         (160,000 – 112,000) ÷ 160,000 = 30%

b.                                              McIlroy     Stinson                   Adj. &Elim.            NCI    Consolidated

Sales                                      (700,000)    (335,000)     (TI)160,000                                         (875,000)

Cost of goods sold                  460,000      205,000     (G) 12,000    (*G) 10,000                     507,000

                                                                                                       (TI) 160,000                                 

Operating expenses                 188,000        70,000     (E) 10,000                                          268,000

Income of Stinson                   (28,000)                        (I)   28,000                                                 -0-     

Separate company income         (80,000)   (60,000)                                                                           

Consolidated net income                                                                                                        (100,000)

to noncontrollinginterest                                                                                     (20,000)       20,000

toparent                                                                                                                               (80,000)


Retained earnings, 1/1            (695,000)    (280,000)     (S) 280,000                                         (695,000)

Net income (above)                   (80,000)     (60,000)                                                                (80,000)

Dividends paid                           45,000        15,000                          (D)   9,000        6,000       45,000

Retained earnings,12/31          (730,000)    (325,000)                                                                (730,000)


Cash and receivables               248,000      148,000                                                               396,000

Inventory                                  233,000      129,000                        (G) 12,000                      350,000

Investment in Stinson              411,000             -0-     (D)   9,000    (S) 228,000                              -0-

                                                                                   (*G) 10,000    (A)174,000                                 

                                                                                                         (I)   28,000                                 

Buildings (net)                         308,000      202,000                                                                 510,000

Equipment (net)                      220,000       86,000                                                                 306,000

Patents (net)                                      -0-       20,000       (A) 63,000      (E) 7,000                       76,000

Customerlist                                                                 (A) 42,000       (E) 3,000                       39,000

Goodwill                                                                     (A)185,000                                          185,000

Total assets                           1,420,000     585,000                                                              1,862,000

Liabilities                               (390,000)  (160,000)                                                                (550,000)

Common stock                        (300,000)  (100,000)     (S) 100,000                                         (300,000)

Noncontrolling interest 1/1                                                               (S) 152,000                                 

                                                                                                         (A)116,000    (268,000)                

Noncontrolling interest 12/31                                                                                 282,000     (282,000)

Retained earnings, 12/31         (730,000)    (325,000)                                                          (730,000)

Total liabilities and equities  (1,420,000)    (585,000)         899,000         899,000                (1,862,000)

Note: consolidated balnaces are in workshhet final balances, 2014goodwill is calculated in 1st part.

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