On January 1, 2017, Alison, In

On January 1, 2017, Alison, Inc., paid $85,700 for a 40 percentinterest in Holister Corporation’s common stock. This investee hadassets with a book value of $256,000 and liabilities of $83,500. Apatent held by Holister having a $9,800 book value was actuallyworth $20,300. This patent had a six-year remaining life. Anyfurther excess cost associated with this acquisition was attributedto goodwill. During 2017, Holister earned income of $48,000 anddeclared and paid dividends of $16,000. In 2018, it had income of$52,000 and dividends of $21,000. During 2018, the fair value ofAllison’s investment in Holister had risen from $99,100 to$105,100.

a. Assuming Alison uses the equity method, what balance shouldappear in the Investment in Holister account as of December 31,2018?

b. Assuming Alison uses fair-value accounting, what income fromthe investment in Holister should be reported for 2018?


a Assumung Alison uses theequity method, balance that should appear in the
investment in Holister account as of December 31,2018
Consideration paid for 40% share $85,700
Less: Book value of 40% net asset value($256000-$83500) $69,000
Excess of fair value over book value $16,700
Excess allocated to
Patent- 40% (20300-9800) $4,200
Goodwill $12,500
Investment in Holister account on Jan 1, 2017 $85,700
Add: Net income of Holister for 2017-40% $19,200
Less: Dividend received-40% $6,400
Less: Patent amortization $700
Investment in Holister account on Dec 31, 2017 $97,800
Add: Net income of Holister for 2018-40% $20,800
Less: Dividend received-40% $8,400
Less: Patent amortization $700
Investment in Holister account on Dec 31, 2018 $109,500
b Assuming Alison uses fair value accounting, Incomefrom the investment in Holister
that should be reported for 2018
Dividend paid by Holister $21,000
40% share of Alison $8,400
Changes in Fair value (105100-99100) $6,000
Income from Investment in Holister $14,400

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