On January 1, xxxx, A Ltd esta

On January 1, xxxx, A Ltd established by 4 shareholders: Mr Ali,Ms Bushra, Mr Kamran and Mrs Danish. Each shareholder owns 25% ofthe share capital, originally sold at apremium of Rs. 350 per share. The company has 100 shares of nominalvalue of Rs.100 each and has a total share premium of Rs.35,000.

On 31st December xxxx, the management of A Ltd has decided to buyback some of the shares. They presented the offer to allshareholders and Ms Bushra agreed to dispose of her investment inresponse to the offer for an amount of Rs. 15,000. The company isgoing to purchase its own shares with agreed terms andconditions.

Requirement:1. What are the accounting entries of the issue and buyback ofshares (separateentries of both events are required)?2. What are the advantages of shares repurchase to thecompanies?


On issue of sharecapital
Particulars Debit Credit
1 Bankaccount                                                            Dr 45000
                      To Equity sharecapital account 10000 100*100
          To security premium account 35000 100*350
Security reserve is included in freereserves for the purpose of buyback
Buy Back JournalEntries
Particulars Debit Credit
1 Equity share capitalaccount                              Dr 2500
Premium payable on buyback                          Dr 12500
To Equity share buy backa/c 15000
{Being payment made on buy back istransferred to Equity share buy back a/c }
2 Security premiunA/c                                          Dr 12500
                    To Premium payable on buyback                           12500
{Being premium payable on account ofbuyback is paid out of security premium
3 Security premiunA/c                                          Dr 2500
          To Capital redemption reserve 2500
{Being face value of equity sharesbought back is transferred to capital redemption reserve from freereserve
4 Equity share buy back a/c 15000
                                   To bank a/c 15000
{Being amount paid on buy back ofshares to shareholders

advantages of shares repurchase to the companies?

1. It Enhances the confidence of the shareholders in theorganisation as management by offering buyback shows the confidencein the bright future of the entity

2. It help organisation to safeguard against the hostiletakeover of the orgainsation

3.It helps in decreasing cost of capital of the company

4.Increase in EPS and ROE

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