Patient safety is of utmost im

Patient safety is of utmost importance. While you are completingan admission, you notice a number of unusual bruises and severalabrasions on the patient. After reviewing the module resources,consider how you would approach the topic with the patient. Whatbarriers prohibit the patient from opening up regarding the abuse,and how can you address these barriers through the assessmentprocess? What is your responsibility if you suspect abuse? Whateducational resources are available to you as a nurse in yourcurrent setting or in your state? What educational resources areavailable to the patient in your setting?


After reviewing the module resources, consider how you wouldapproach the topic with the patient.

(Module is not available, however general considerationesare outlines in the answer)

What barriers prohibit the patient from opening upregarding the abuse

  • ?denial, afraid that it will increase if disclosed, feel otherswill not believe them, shame and fear, cultural boundaries etc

how can you address these barriers through theassessment process?

  • Establish good rapport and trust with patient
  • Ensure confidentiality
  • Proper history: abuser, relationship,duration, precipitatingfactors, any other type of abuse is associated
  • Detailed focussed physical examination
  • Interview patient separately
  • Educate about abuse and legal implications

What is your responsibility if you suspectabuse?

  • Document suspiscion
  • collect and validate data
  • report to authorities as per policy
  • Protect the patient, make arrangement for change of place ofstay if needed

What educational resources are available to you as anurse in your current setting or in your state?

State/ setting is not mentioned in thequestion, hence answer cannot be given

What educational resources are available to the patientin your setting?

State/ setting is not mentioned in thequestion, hence answer cannot be given

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