Pharoah Legler requires an est

Pharoah Legler requires an estimate of the cost of goods lost byfire on March 9. Merchandise on hand on January 1 was $34,200.Purchases since January 1 were $64,800; freight-in, $3,060;purchase returns and allowances, $2,160. Sales are made at 33 1/3%above cost and totaled $99,000 to March 9. Goods costing $9,810were left undamaged by the fire; remaining goods weredestroyed.

Compute the cost of goods destroyed. (Round grossprofit percentage and final answer to 0 decimal places, e.g. 15% or125.)

Cost of goods destroyed


Compute the cost of goods destroyed, assuming that the grossprofit is 33 1/3% of sales.(Round ratios for computational purposes to 5 decimalplaces, e.g. 78.72345% and final answer to 0 decimal places, e.g.28,987.)

Cost of goods destroyed



Gross Profit ratio 25.00% =33.33333/133.33333
Beginning inventory 34200
Add: Purchases 64800
Add: Freight-in 3060
Less: Purchase returns and allowances -2160
Cost of goods available 99900
Sales revenue 99000
Less: Gross profit 24750 =99000*25%
Cost of goods sold 74250
Estimated ending inventory 25650
Less: Goods on hand—undamaged (at cost) 9810
Cost of goods destroyed 15840
Gross Profit ratio 33.33333%
Beginning inventory 34200
Add: Purchases 64800
Add: Freight-in 3060
Less: Purchase returns and allowances -2160
Cost of goods available 99900
Sales revenue 99000
Less: Gross profit 33000 =99000*33.33333%
Cost of goods sold 66000
Estimated ending inventory 33900
Less: Goods on hand—undamaged (at cost) 9810
Cost of goods destroyed 24090

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