On this chapter, Invention: Media and Performance, there weredifferent kinds of interesting artists had been introduced. Amongthem, I would like to describe the two sensational avant-gardeartists, Nam June Paik and John Cage. These two artists influencedand changed the traditional forms of art making. Moreover, theychallenged their works with the new experimental and left the hugeimpact and changed the new generation of the artists.

Nam June Paik, Korean- American, a first video artist who wasusing a portable videotape recorder, and started the digitalrevolution in art. Also people recognized him as the “Father ofVideo Art”. He was a sculptor, composer, performance artist. He hadgreat passions in the musical education, so he moved and traveledto many countries to learn music. Most of his visual art workscombined with the sound effects. And he used the furnitures thataudiences could easily see and experience in their daily life. Oneof his work, TV Bra for Living Sculpture in 1969, it was aperformance art using video playing on the two small pieces of TVmonitors attached like bra to cellist Charolotte Moorman’s chestwith the sound of her playing the cello. Nam Jun Paik explained hispiece, “By using TV as a bra… the most intimate belonging of humanbeing, we will demonstrate the human use of technology, and alsostimulate viewers not for something mean but stimulate theirphantasy to look for the new, imaginative and humanistic ways ofusing our technology.” This performance shows the relationshipbetween the human and the technology, which means he wanted to sayhumanizing the technology. The technology should not be take overthe human life, human should rule over the technology. However hisfuturistic media art started made the art widely and developed.

Nam June Paik’s great composer mentor, John Cage, was a Americanexperimental composer and gave his opinion to audience that anysound can be music. He broke the history of the classicalcomposition. And one of his famous major work , 4’ 3” , in1976, which was not a instrument performance, he sat on the pianoin the middle of street and closed the lid. He repeated to open andclose the lid. During the performance in four minutes and thirtythree seconds, he use the stop-watch, which measured each segment.While the performance, people whispers and shuffled in their spots,nature sounds and the cars were passing by them. He wanted peopleto focus, listen and share the present sounds that surrounded them,which is music. Further more he changed the world by thesilence.

In conclusion, the both artists, they found out the ideas fromthe old ones which were we already experienced in our life.Transforming the intimate objects, furnitures or the noises, whichpeople couldn’t thought about it, made to attract the audiences’attention and brought the sensation to the world and alsoinfluenced many artists. However they left the great mark on theart history that changed a new genre instead of traditional andclassical performance.


In the chapter, ‘Invention: Media and Performance’, differentkinds of interesting artists have been introduced. Among them, Iwould like to describe the two sensational avant-garde artists, NamJune Paik and John Cage, who have influenced and changed thetraditional forms of art making. Moreover, they challenged theirworks with the new experimental, left a huge impact and changed thenew generation of the artists.

Nam June Paik, who was a Korean- American, was the first videoartist to use a portable videotape recorder, and started thedigital revolution in art. People recognized him as the “Father ofVideo Art”. He was a sculptor, composer, and a performance artist.He had great passion for musical education, so he moved andtravelled to many countries to learn music. Most of his visual artworks have been combined with sound effects. He used furniture thataudiences could easily see and experience in their daily life. Oneof his work, TV Bra for Living Sculpture in 1969, was a performanceart using video playing on the two small pieces of TV monitorsattached like a bra to cellist Charolotte Moorman’s chest with thesound of her playing the cello. Nam Jun Paik explained his piece,“By using TV as a bra… the most intimate belonging of human being,we will demonstrate the human use of technology, and also stimulateviewers not for something mean but to stimulate their fantasy tolook for new, imaginative and humanistic ways of using ourtechnology.” This performance shows the relationship between thehuman and the technology, which means he wanted to humanizetechnology. Technology should not be taking over human life, humanshould rule over the technology. However his futuristic media artspread widely and developed.

Nam June Paik’s great composer mentor, John Cage, was anAmerican experimental composer and gave his opinion to the audiencethat any sound can be music. He broke the history of the classicalcomposition. One of his famous major work , 4’ 3” , in 1976, whichwas not an instrument performance, where he sat on the piano in themiddle of the street and closed the lid. He proceeded to repeatedlyopen and close the lid. The performance lasted four minutes andthirty three seconds, where he used the stop-watch, which measuredeach segment. During the performance, people whispered and shuffledin their spot, along with nature sounds and that of the carspassing by. He wanted people to focus, listen and share the presentsounds that surrounded them, which is music. Further more hechanged the world with the silence.

In conclusion, both artists found ideas from the old ones whichwere already experienced in our life. Transforming the intimateobjects, furniture or the noise, which people couldn’t imagine,made to attract the audiences’ attention and brought the sensationto the world and also influenced many artists. However they left agreat mark on the art history that created a new genre instead oftraditional and classical performance.

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