Problem 5-49 Customer Profitab

Problem 5-49 Customer Profitability Analysis [LO 5-1, 5-6]

Ellie Mosk, CEO of X-Space Industries, decided to expand thecompany’s product offering beyond the core model rocket business.After investigation, she decided to set up a separate division todesign and manufacture products for the drone market. Severalcompanies were interested in having X-Space develop these drones,and financial results, to date, have been encouraging. Revenue was$4 million, gross margins have been running about 40%, and thecustomer sales and support costs were $1 million. However, there isa growing concern that some customers require a disproportionateshare of the sales and support resources, and the trueprofitability of the customers is unknown. Data were collected tosupport an analysis of customer profitability:

Activity Cost Driver Total Cost
Sales visits Sales visit days $ 487,000
Product modifications Number of modifications 271,000
Phone calls Number of minutes 93,100
E-mail/electronic communications Number of communications 173,000
$ 1,024,100
Customer Revenue Gross Profit Visit Days Modifications Phone Minutes ElectronicCommunications
A $ 401,000 $ 151,000 15 15 1,140 625
B 501,000 201,000 25 15 1,230 875
C 601,000 231,000 40 40 1,480 1,110
D 1,110,000 421,000 90 60 1,830 2,110
E 1,510,000 591,000 100 70 2,230 2,360
Totals $ 4,123,000 $ 1,595,000 270 200 7,910 7,080


1. Management felt the easiest way to allocate the sales andsupport costs was based on the total revenue. Using total revenueas the allocation base, determine the profitability of each of thefive customers.

2. Management felt that because the data revealed some customersrequire a disproportionate share of sales and support resources,activity-based costing should be used to determine customerprofitability. Use ABC to prepare a customer profitabilityanalysis.

Problem 5-49 Customer Profitability Analysis [LO 5-1, 5-6]

Ellie Mosk, CEO of X-Space Industries, decided to expand thecompany’s product offering beyond the core model rocket business.After investigation, she decided to set up a separate division todesign and manufacture products for the drone market. Severalcompanies were interested in having X-Space develop these drones,and financial results, to date, have been encouraging. Revenue was$4 million, gross margins have been running about 40%, and thecustomer sales and support costs were $1 million. However, there isa growing concern that some customers require a disproportionateshare of the sales and support resources, and the trueprofitability of the customers is unknown. Data were collected tosupport an analysis of customer profitability:

Activity Cost Driver Total Cost
Sales visits Sales visit days $ 487,000
Product modifications Number of modifications 271,000
Phone calls Number of minutes 93,100
E-mail/electronic communications Number of communications 173,000
$ 1,024,100
Customer Revenue Gross Profit Visit Days Modifications Phone Minutes ElectronicCommunications
A $ 401,000 $ 151,000 15 15 1,140 625
B 501,000 201,000 25 15 1,230 875
C 601,000 231,000 40 40 1,480 1,110
D 1,110,000 421,000 90 60 1,830 2,110
E 1,510,000 591,000 100 70 2,230 2,360
Totals $ 4,123,000 $ 1,595,000 270 200 7,910 7,080


1. Management felt the easiest way to allocate the sales andsupport costs was based on the total revenue. Using total revenueas the allocation base, determine the profitability of each of thefive customers.

2. Management felt that because the data revealed some customersrequire a disproportionate share of sales and support resources,activity-based costing should be used to determine customerprofitability. Use ABC to prepare a customer profitabilityanalysis.

Problem 5-49 Customer Profitability Analysis [LO 5-1, 5-6]

Ellie Mosk, CEO of X-Space Industries, decided to expand thecompany’s product offering beyond the core model rocket business.After investigation, she decided to set up a separate division todesign and manufacture products for the drone market. Severalcompanies were interested in having X-Space develop these drones,and financial results, to date, have been encouraging. Revenue was$4 million, gross margins have been running about 40%, and thecustomer sales and support costs were $1 million. However, there isa growing concern that some customers require a disproportionateshare of the sales and support resources, and the trueprofitability of the customers is unknown. Data were collected tosupport an analysis of customer profitability:

Activity Cost Driver Total Cost
Sales visits Sales visit days $ 487,000
Product modifications Number of modifications 271,000
Phone calls Number of minutes 93,100
E-mail/electronic communications Number of communications 173,000
$ 1,024,100
Customer Revenue Gross Profit Visit Days Modifications Phone Minutes ElectronicCommunications
A $ 401,000 $ 151,000 15 15 1,140 625
B 501,000 201,000 25 15 1,230 875
C 601,000 231,000 40 40 1,480 1,110
D 1,110,000 421,000 90 60 1,830 2,110
E 1,510,000 591,000 100 70 2,230 2,360
Totals $ 4,123,000 $ 1,595,000 270 200 7,910 7,080


1. Management felt the easiest way to allocate the sales andsupport costs was based on the total revenue. Using total revenueas the allocation base, determine the profitability of each of thefive customers.

2. Management felt that because the data revealed some customersrequire a disproportionate share of sales and support resources,activity-based costing should be used to determine customerprofitability. Use ABC to prepare a customer profitabilityanalysis.


Req 1.
Customer Revenue Gross profit % Total Revenue Total OH Allocated OH Net income
A 401000 151000 9.73% 1024100 99603 51397
B 501000 201000 12.15% 1024100 124442 76558
C   601,000 231,000 14.58% 1024100 149281 81719
D 1,110,000 421,000 26.92% 1024100 275710 145290
E 1,510,000 591,000 36.62% 1024100 375065 215935
Total 4,123,000 1,595,000 100.00% 1024100 1024100 570900
Req 2.
Activity Driver Total Cost Total Driver Rate
Sales visit Visit days 487,000 270 1803.70
Product Modification Modification 271,000 200 1355.00
Phone calls Minutes 93100 7910 11.77
Email Communication 173000 7080 24.44
Overheads allocation:
Rate Customer A Customer B Customer C Customer D Customer E
Activity Activity OH Activity OH Activity OH Activity OH Activity OH
Sales visit 1803.7 15 27055.5 25 45092.5 40 72148 90 162333 100 180370
Product Modification 1355 15 20325 15 20325 40 54200 60 81300 70 94850
Phone calls 11.77 1140 13417.8 1230 14477.1 1480 17419.6 1830 21539.1 2230 26247.1
Email 24.44 625 15275 875 21385 1110 27128.4 2110 51568.4 2360 57678.4
76073 101280 170896 316741 359145
Customer Revenue Gross profit Allocated Oh Net income
A 401000 151000 76073 74927
B 501000 201000 101280 99720
C   601,000 231,000 170896 60104
D 1,110,000 421,000 316741 104259
E 1,510,000 591,000 359145 231855
Total 4,123,000 1,595,000

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